I started back at the gym March 1st. Did cardio and overall endurance training (since I was nearly 200lbs and my body wouldnt let me do much else)

June 10th, I started using a trainer AND going with a girlfriend to the gym, lots more muscle training than before.

I am 5'3" and currently 189.9lbs
I eat 90-130gms of protein daily
I drink more than a gallon of water daily.
I do 6-8 hours of cardio per week
I do 6 hours of strength training per week (arms, legs, abs, back, shoulders, glutes)
I take 1-2 rest days every two weeks, tops.

I am SO SORE its unreal.
All the time. Now Im so sore, its like my energy got zapped. I need to keep at it.

Advice? Am I 'going too hard' or do I need to stretch more on purpose.... rest more....
MORE water?

What do you think?


  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Are you eating enough?
  • Ferrous_Female_Dog
    Ferrous_Female_Dog Posts: 221 Member

    I take 1-2 rest days every two weeks, tops.

    You should maybe rest one day a week at least. It can be an active rest day if you want, with yoga or walking.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    You probably need to eat more, Stretch more, Foam roll and drink more water.
  • Aero1dynamic
    Aero1dynamic Posts: 702 Member
    You may not be giving your muscles enough time to rest and repair themselves. One day on, one day off is suggested by most fitness experts. You can make them "active" days, do some cardio, etc. Don't push yourself too hard...the results WILL come.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I heard tart cherry juice helps but do agree with those saying a little more rest. You may be pushing a bit too hard.
  • Remaking_Me
    Remaking_Me Posts: 62 Member
    I drink over a gallon of water a day (which is awful- my body DOESNT like to be this hydrated- but everyone tells me to, so I do it) and Im clearing 100gms of protein and eating 1600+ calories most days.

    I do lifting Monday, Cardio Tuesday, lifting Wed and Thurs (dif muscle groups) cardio Friday Saturday, Sunday is optional.

    I sleep 8-12 hours a night now because Im pushing really hard.
  • Remaking_Me
    Remaking_Me Posts: 62 Member
    I will definitely do more foam roll outs---- Ive only done them a few times.
    New concept to me- never saw them at the gym in my previous weight loss attempts, but
    now everyone seems to use them?