MFP v. FitBit -- Calories In vs. Calories Out

MPD6944 Posts: 75 Member
MFP and my FitBit say different things on how many calories I have left...can't figure out why... can someone explain this?


  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    I think it's because Fitbit is estimating the calories you burn throughout the day. It makes your calorie goal kind of like a moving target based on your activity level. The calorie goal from MFP is more static.
  • MPD6944
    MPD6944 Posts: 75 Member
    Ok I was thinking that because as of last night it said I "nailed it" in the calories and then when I woke up this morning it said I went over my I'll just pay attention to MFP then! Thanks!
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Also, Fitbit doesn't have the 1200 calorie floor MFP has. I think that IF you don't hit that at MFP and if you have everything else set up the same (goals, profile data), by the end of the day when Fitbit isn't estimating much, they should be close. But I don't know for sure because I always hit the 1200 floor here. :smile:
  • MPD6944
    MPD6944 Posts: 75 Member
    Ok thanks I will check to make sure the settings are the same.