Personal experience with Zeal?

Hello! I am looking foward to working on a healthier me but am not interested in spending ridiculous amounts of money to do so. I avoid diet fads and ordering "weight-loss" stuff, however I have recently heard good things about Zeal. It is supposed to be all natural and mostly about adding vitamins. I am wondering if anyone has any experience with it and any comments to offer? I curently take a multi-vitamin, so wouldnt mind spending the money on a supplement that truly would help give me energy and vitamins, but want a little more info. Thanx for anything you have to offer, information wise!!!


  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    friend of mine deals it..its a pinch expensive..I dont care for the "energy drink"...but the protein powder is GOOD!
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I feel like you answered your own question in the first couple of sentences...

    ETA: now I looked it up. 199.00 for 30 days? And none of the products look to be anything different than the junk that is already out there. Probably the same thing with a new name.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Eating at a deficit doesn't require ridiculous amounts of money. And if you do it right, you can get your nutrition from food instead of vitamins or other supplemens.
  • littlefoot612
    littlefoot612 Posts: 156 Member
    I had to look up Zeal and my search lead me to Zurvita, the company which owns and produces Zeal. Zurvita is a marketing company (as per their website) . No doubt about it, Zeal is an MLM/pyramid type of company.
    On the product side, the consensus of the information I came across is that the Zeal programme also includes guidelines for a healthy diet and exercise so it is most likely that this is what causes the weight loss.
    I have done the protein shakes and supplements thing before and when I couldn't afford the product anymore but kept following their food plan, I still lost weight.
  • 7w6sxChris
    7w6sxChris Posts: 15 Member
    Thanx to everyone for their input! I wasnt even looking into it for the protien powder I was mostly interested because a friend of mine said the pure vitamin drinks and energy supplements were worth it. It looked interesting, but as I said (and you all pointed out! :-) ) I was worried it was mostly just a way to lose money!
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    If you eat a balanced diet you dont even need a multivitamin. I do take one myself cause I am not the best eater.
    I just wanted to add my 2 cents worth cause thats what these weight loss programs are worth. Calories in vs calories out. That is your best bet, and its a heck of a lot cheaper. Save that money for your brand new wardrobe. You will be needing it .
  • chebutter007
    chebutter007 Posts: 1 Member
    I know this is an old post but I couldn't help but respond. I'm definitely no health guru or health nut. I was like a few of you, thinking I was getting enough nutrition from my food.... Until my friend told me about Zeal for life. I never knew what a difference introducing 39 of some of the best super foods could do for my health and well being. Tumeric, Aloe Vera, Kudzu, Acai, Guarana, just to name a few. Ask someone what's the most nutrient dense food source and you'll hear, "spinach" "broccoli" "salmon" etc. To my surprise there are actually some amazing super foods that aren't so common to us regular folks...Google stabilized rice bran. You tube Moringa Oleifera. Those are also in the Zeal wellness drink... I have been a migraine sufferer all of my life, literally. I would have to take either OTC medicine or my prescription almost everyday. Since I've incorporated the Zeal wellness drink I haven't had a migraine in 8 months. It has been life changing for me. And that's just one of the ways I've benefited. So I tell people don't knock something until you try it.