I lost ten pounds in three days!

I lost ten pounds in three days! ...By becoming horribly, violently ill from some satanic stomach bug of unknown origin (possibly flu-like, or very severe, long-lived food poisoning) that wreaked total, uncontrollable havoc on my digestive system.

1/10, would definitely NOT recommend this weight loss plan.

I have a legitimate question though:

I assume it was mostly water weight, but should I be concerned with putting back ON the the ten pounds (I'm trying to lose, not gain) or just accept it as an unexpected perk to feeling like tiny persons were reenacting a particularly violent war inside of my stomach for several days, despite it being a probably-highly-unhealthy weight loss? Should I expect the sudden, rapid weight loss to come back on naturally? Pass it off as a random, crazy fluctuation and not dwell on it too deeply?

Also, despite feeling significantly better, I still have very little appetite, and eating tends to make me nauseous. Maybe as a side-note, you helpful guys could recommend some things I could try eating to meet my calorie goals without making me feel like I'm going to hurl? Thanks in advance!

(I hope I put this thread in the right place...) /newb


  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Even if you ate nothing at all in those 3 days, (assuming a tdee of 2500 to keep the math easier), that would be a 7500 calorie deficit in the 3 days or (using the 3500 cal/lb assumption) .. 2.1 actual pounds. So yes, expect several of those pounds to come back as you recover.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    You were ill, I don't think, you need to force yourself to eat up your cals, if it makes you nausious. Your digestive system needs to recuperate first.

    Most of the weight will probably come back, maybe not all. That's OK, either way.

    I also think your appetite will come back in a few days or a week, possibly with a vengeance as your body will try to get that lost weight back. Just listen to your body and keep logging. You'll know, when it's time to cut the cals back again.
  • blupanda12
    blupanda12 Posts: 54 Member
    I just got over one of those nasty little bugs myself that stuck around for ~ 10 days. I subsisted on the BRAT (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast) diet paired with a ton of gatorade for those days that I really couldn't eat. As I started keeping stuff down, I added in mashed potatos (just water for creaminess, no milk or butter), rice cooked in chicken broth, and saltine crackers.

    It took me a week after feeling significantly better to add in dairy again, and I love dairy. I also ate at maintenance for my recovery week(s) as I hardly had anything while I was sick. I lost 10 lbs from the sickness, and ended up putting most of it back on in the following two weeks. I think for me it was mainly water and the normal contents of my bowels being lost and replaced.

    Good luck and hope you get back to normal quickly!
  • gelar93
    gelar93 Posts: 160
    Try to eat easy-to-digest foods like soups and stuff. Also most of the weight does come back quickly. You should lose a few pounds tho.
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    One thing I do know, is that they say the BRATs diet helps people with food poisoning. (BRATs stands for Bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast.) I also heard that vanilla, apples, ginger, chicken broth, sports drinks, mint, and nuts are good at helping nausea. I'd definitely try adding the apple in some way. Also, eat as light as possible, and maybe enjoy a diet ginger ale.

    Not sure if you'll gain the weight back or not, but you can't help that you were sick! People get sick all of the time, and your main focus should be on getting better at this point.

    Good luck, and get well soon! :smile:
  • Nataliea87
    Nataliea87 Posts: 29 Member
    Expect it to come back, but probably in a good way. Think of it like this: You just went through an un-planned cleanse! Yay!
  • felicia2005
    felicia2005 Posts: 35 Member
    I got sick back in may and lost a nice amount of weight. It will come back once you get back into your normal routine.i would't worry about it.