Whats the point of exercise if it doesn't change your shape?



  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    I still don't understand the question? It all sounds rather vague & hypothetical.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    apart from the health benefits what's the point

    And who needs to be healthy, right?
  • congruns
    congruns Posts: 127 Member
    Sometimes I do a bit more running so I can consume more calories.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    While maintaining the same scale weight (which is what the OP is asking about, although I'm not really sure why)?

    About a three stone loss, fairly aggressive deficit for a while, much less recently. Very comfortable with the results, and my running performance is improving reasonably well at the moment.

    And agree on the question being a bit off. That much running every day is a recipe for injury.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    OP, you may not see gradual changes in your overall shape, but changes can be made with any exercise program. Look at the legs on distance runners. Lots and lots of women get great bodies by running. There's no one perfect exercise out there. Yes, lifting is important (I lift heavy weights), but running is also important. Cycling and swimming are as well. I have been lifting a long time, but when I want to shed fat, I run. As do most bodybuilders and physique competitors.

    If you don't like to lift it doesn't mean you're going to end up looking awful just because you run. Just make sure you're getting progressively better with speed and distance. There are two types of muscle in the human body. One is developed through activities like running. The other is developed through lifting.

    There are many, many routes from point A to point B. Take the route you enjoy the most.

    BUT NOTE: There are exceptions. Running will not give you a butt. You're going to have to lift weights if you want a butt.
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    What I mean is that if you don't lose any weight then it doesn't matter how much toned muscle you have it won't show under the layer of fat.

    No, that's not how it works. You will likely notice a change; being active helps to reduce body fat, unless you're eating in excess. You will see some change because you're using different muscles than just sitting around. OR, if you want to reduce fat for your muscles to really show, eat less.
  • Sarahliquid
    Sarahliquid Posts: 201 Member
    Functional strength, eating more because muscles burns more calories to maintain, more energy, general feeling of health, strength, and confidence are a few of the benefits you can't "see".
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Exercise isn't going to work any miracles on breast size or shape, nor fix loose hanging skin from weight loss or aging. It can make you look muscular, if that's how you want to look.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I stopped running as it over exercises some muscle that keeps my legs aligned. Anyhow I keep up with my cardio and strength training. I can't believe the difference its made in the shape of my body to the very much better side of things. Never one to look at myself much in the mirror now I give myself a "mmm, mmm" when I see how tight and firm my legs and *kitten* are right before I pull on my tiny pants.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    A hypothetical that depends on defying the laws of physics ... no wonder the OP isn't getting the response she wants.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    What's the point of anything?

    Run more, get faster*

    Lift more, get stronger*

    Eat less, lose weight*

    (*In the context of a well designed/tailored programme/diet.)

    Don't try to do to many of them at the same time or you'll eff them all up.
  • bumblebee
    bumblebee Posts: 53 Member
    Ok, so I've just done a check of an example week of my calories consumed and I average 1500 calories consumed. I'm 5foot 8 and 138lbs. Adding 550 calories burnt on exercise per day I guess I am undereatimg and may be in starvation mode. I feel slimmer and my clothes fit better so it's just very disconcerting that the scales haven't really gone down much since I started running 6 months ago. I guess im just looking for some incentive to keep going.
  • litsy3
    litsy3 Posts: 783 Member
    Are you really logging accurately? It seems implausible that you would burn 550 (or 750 as in your OP) cals a day running, eat 1500 gross and not be (a) losing weight and (b) very very hungry.
  • bumblebee
    bumblebee Posts: 53 Member
    550 is an average of my calories burnt per day in exercise. I haven't altered my eating habits, I am very controlled. I was eating the same amount before I started running. Maybe I should get a different set of scales a d concentrate on monitoring my body fat composition instead of worrying about weight. Also, I guess at 5ft 8 and 138lbs I don't really have much weight to lose so that could account for why my loss is slow.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    550 is an average of my calories burnt per day in exercise. I haven't altered my eating habits, I am very controlled. I was eating the same amount before I started running. Maybe I should get a different set of scales a d concentrate on monitoring my body fat composition instead of worrying about weight. Also, I guess at 5ft 8 and 138lbs I don't really have much weight to lose so that could account for why my loss is slow.

    1) Pick a goal.

    2) Organise your training schedule to work towards that goal.

    3) Be awesome.

    TL;DR: training is for being awesome. Dietary control is for weight loss.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    bumblebee wrote: »
    Ok, so I've just done a check of an example week of my calories consumed and I average 1500 calories consumed. I'm 5foot 8 and 138lbs. Adding 550 calories burnt on exercise per day I guess I am undereatimg and may be in starvation mode. I feel slimmer and my clothes fit better so it's just very disconcerting that the scales haven't really gone down much since I started running 6 months ago. I guess im just looking for some incentive to keep going.


  • EllaIsNotEnchanted
    EllaIsNotEnchanted Posts: 226 Member
    jimmmer wrote: »
    What's the point of anything?

    Run more, get faster*

    Lift more, get stronger*

    Eat less, lose weight*

    (*In the context of a well designed/tailored programme/diet.)

    Don't try to do to many of them at the same time or you'll eff them all up.

    Pretty much.
    A good point is to prove what you can do. How you can handle different things.
    Beat a lift, speed, distance, any type of record.

    As well as OP mentioned... besides the health benefits...
    well, last time I checked health benefits was awesome and a huge point to do something.
  • Mistraal1981
    Mistraal1981 Posts: 453 Member
    There was a post here that I WISH I could find.It was either in fitness or success thread about a year or so ago. It basically changed the way I thought about weight loss.

    The person posted a picture of themselves when they had reached their goal weight by diet and cardio. Body was decent, you know the kind that would look amazing in clothes. They also posted a picture of themselves two years later after doing weightlifting. The person had gained weight, but was now a body that looked smaller, more compact, the kind of body that would look amazing out of clothes! She was an older lady too.

    After seeing that I realised what I needed to do to get the body I imagined having. If anyone can find the post I mean I think it would be perfect to link here.
  • NotGnarly
    NotGnarly Posts: 137 Member
    Most women want the results that heavy lifting will provide, they just don't know it. So, instead, they run.

    You are so right! I finally a couple of days ago realized that I need to lift weights in order to get to my goals (lose fat, build muscle). Years of low calorie diets has made me accumulate a good amount of fat and my solution has always been more cardio, which didn't do anything.