Cheat Meals

So I've been dieting for about 4 weeks now doing tons of cardio and some lifting, I probably lost around 9 pounds in that time and am trying to lose more. At this point I'm about -60 from my highest weight, and I've maintained this around 5 years, so I'm an avid exerciser and nutrition nut.

My current diet is ~1400 calories a day + cheat meal day where I drop fats and eat mostly protein and carbs at around 3000 calories. My cardio has been set about 45-90 min a day of interval training (1:2 ratio for intervals) and have been seeing good results following these guidelines. I've not been able to really lose weight on other diets as effectively, has anyone found that spiking carbs extremely high once a week help you more than say, eating 1600 everyday?

Am just curious if anyone else has a stubborn body like mine that adjusts quickly to both diet and exercise.. I've done ketosis before, which was a stupid diet to say the least. My body eventually rebounded and I gained 20 pounds which took about a year to take back off. I tried low carb again later and it just wasn't as effective as the first time I tried, which just made me turned off by very low carb dieting, period. I find the sudden cheat meals (which I don't schedule, I just have it the day I feel tired/hungry in the week) have worked best for me.

Interested to hear opinions!