Limiting Sugar - Does source matter?



  • kdw50
    kdw50 Posts: 2
    This sugar debate has me confused, so I need a little advice. I quit drinking alcohol completely 30 days ago and instantly had an insatiable sweet tooth, as in candy. After a couple of weeks, I got off the empty candy calories, but now I feel like I have to have fruit at least 3-4 times a day. As in red grapes, granny smith apples, bananas, pineapple. I work out on a stationary bike 3-4 times a week and I eat healthy meals such as salads, tuna, lean meats, veggies, but I've only lost 6 pounds so far. I thought that when I quit drinking all the wine (at least 1-2 bottles a day) that I would drop a lot more weight than that. Is it a metabolic thing? My body readjusting itself? Any suggestions??
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    This sugar debate has me confused, so I need a little advice. I quit drinking alcohol completely 30 days ago and instantly had an insatiable sweet tooth, as in candy. After a couple of weeks, I got off the empty candy calories, but now I feel like I have to have fruit at least 3-4 times a day. As in red grapes, granny smith apples, bananas, pineapple. I work out on a stationary bike 3-4 times a week and I eat healthy meals such as salads, tuna, lean meats, veggies, but I've only lost 6 pounds so far. I thought that when I quit drinking all the wine (at least 1-2 bottles a day) that I would drop a lot more weight than that. Is it a metabolic thing? My body readjusting itself? Any suggestions??

    Losing 6 pounds in a month is actually good progress!

    Are you logging your food accurately? How are you measuring what you're eating?

    And congrats on giving up the booze!
  • kdw50
    kdw50 Posts: 2
    Thank you, it was a big accomplishment for me giving up the booze. Yes, I am accurately logging my least I'm pretty sure I am. I know 6lbs in a month is pretty good, but I guess I was thinking I would have faster results after giving up all those empty calories from alcohol and replacing it with healthier choices. Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe I am over doing it on sodium. My sodium levels are over almost every day, so maybe I'm retaining fluid? Or maybe I'm just being impatient and want instant gratification. :tongue:
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I thought that when I quit drinking all the wine (at least 1-2 bottles a day) that I would drop a lot more weight than that. Is it a metabolic thing? My body readjusting itself? Any suggestions??

    You might have been eating less than you realized when drinking. I (intentionally) lost 60 lbs once when drinking about a bottle a day (not healthy, don't recommend it), and later gained weight when I stopped drinking because I started eating more normally and found it harder to control myself with food.

    Anyway, because of stuff like that you can't assume that you will lose a bunch of weight just from dropping booze, although if you felt like you needed to it's going to make you a lot more healthy in general, good for you.

    6 pounds is a great start (about 1.5 lb/week, which is healthy and depending on your weight you may not really want to be losing any faster). Just set a reasonable calorie goal and log your food.