What was your "wakeup call"?

Mine was hitting the same weight my mother was the day before she gave birth to me.... as a not-pregnant 20 year old, that scared me into action. I'm now down to 155 and still going strong! I'd had health scare after health scare beforehand, but was able to think my way out of it until I came to that realization.


  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Seeing my old modeling photos and developing insulin resistance.
  • BIW2012
    BIW2012 Posts: 97 Member
    Seeing a horrifying number on the scales and realising that if I don't do something about my weight now, I'd just keep gaining. I cried like a baby and then booked an appointment with a nutritionist.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Seeing the scale tip past 300. :-\
  • vherrere123
    vherrere123 Posts: 27 Member
    Having a friend die because of diabetes.
  • ashleyjohnstonn1
    ashleyjohnstonn1 Posts: 359 Member
    Someone very close to me told me that I wasn't as attractive as I used to be and that I need to lose weight. Took an honest look at myself.
  • letsdothis180
    letsdothis180 Posts: 8 Member
    Seeing my husband lose weight while I gained. Also, when my "fat" pants started getting tight.
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    Joined a hiking group in February to meet new people and I enjoy hiking, but it somehow escaped my notice that I was extremely unfit and quite overweight.
    I couldn't do it, kept the entire group up waiting for me continuously so I could catch my breath! I couldn't finish it, I let them go on without having to wait, and just went home before everyone. Didn't have the guts to go back to that group again, felt so ashamed that I didn't realise how far I'd let myself go. But I worked on my fitness and weight goals over a few months and recently went back with my partner and completed the entire hiking route without even having to stop once. I'm kinda glad it happened.
  • yc4king
    yc4king Posts: 117 Member
    Had a bath with my kids who are still young enough to say whatever comes to mind. My daughter looked up at me and said "daddy you have really big legs", and I replied "yep they are pretty big aren't they". Then she looked at me with her usual inquisitive nature and asked "are they that big because you are fat?". I was a little surprised but all I could do was tell her the truth, "yes, it's because daddy is overweight".

    She wasn't being rude and has no idea that being "fat" is something normally viewed as negative, but it still made me feel a bit ashamed to have to explain to my daughter why daddy was bigger than a lot of other people.

    My lifestyle change started a couple days later and have not looked back since. I'm eating much healthier and went from just going on the odd walk at lunch to running 5k almost every morning. Tight in 42" waist pants then, 38" are loose now, almost ready for 36 :D
  • There's a similar topic at getting started, so I hope you don't mind that I copy my answer from there.
    Also, proof, incase anybody wanted to go twice. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1359760-at-what-point-did-you-finally-decide-this-is-it?

    When I realized I was the only fat graduate in my school that was still a virgin. I wasn't even the biggest guy, so I figured I just have an awful personality. If people don't like your insides, then might as well go for vanity and make your outsides nice and pretty. Some of you may be thinking, "that's a pretty stupid answer", but hey, my motto is that there are no stupid answers, only stupid people and I'm on track in going into nuclear school, so depending on your personal definition of stupidity, my answer does not sound so ridiculous after all. And now you can see why I have so much trouble getting laid. But hey, my goal has lost me 30 pounds in 9 months (first six month 15, next three months 15).

    Here's a bonus, though. I still haven't gotten laid, in case anyone was wondering. It might be obvious to you as for why, but I guess I'm pretty clueless about myself.
  • TiberiusClaudis
    TiberiusClaudis Posts: 423 Member
    Just a little over 2 years ago , when the family sawbones said either drop 40lbs and change your wicked ways or wake up dead.

    I didn't listen to him, instead I lost 60lbs and in 45 days I'll be entering my 1st bodybuilding competition.

    Anything is possible, if you set your sights on it.
  • ShadowFallRising
    ShadowFallRising Posts: 15 Member
    When I looked five months pregnant, and I was not pregnant at all lol that was like, whoa, ok this needs to change. Funny thing is, at one point I was nearly 200 lbs, then we moved, I kicked our deep fryer to the curb (I was eating fried chicken and french fries literally every other day), and I plummeted from about 170-180 to 150, and I vowed to NEVER touch fried food again if I can help it. I bake my chicken now, and it's SO much better.
  • malavika413
    malavika413 Posts: 474 Member
    Having the two kindest, most important men in my life (my boyfriend and my father) finally say something about my weight. They were supportive and kind, but told me like it was--I needed to shed a few pounds to help my physical and mental health. :)
  • kstar0327
    kstar0327 Posts: 54 Member
    When I went for a walk and had to stop 2x to catch my breath enough was enough i cut out all junk food out of my diet eating healthy now and down 12 lbs in 3 weeks :smile:
  • lildynarider
    lildynarider Posts: 78 Member
    I had several but they hit me all at once this year. My fam has a history of heart disease, and I'm currently taking care of a grandparent that has major organ system failure do to all of the prescriptions he was on to maintain. It was insane to me that I could prevent all of that and all it took was some self control.
  • kwilcox1195
    Had a bath with my kids who are still young enough to say whatever comes to mind. My daughter looked up at me and said "daddy you have really big legs", and I replied "yep they are pretty big aren't they". Then she looked at me with her usual inquisitive nature and asked "are they that big because you are fat?". I was a little surprised but all I could do was tell her the truth, "yes, it's because daddy is overweight".

    She wasn't being rude and has no idea that being "fat" is something normally viewed as negative, but it still made me feel a bit ashamed to have to explain to my daughter why daddy was bigger than a lot of other people.

    My lifestyle change started a couple days later and have not looked back since. I'm eating much healthier and went from just going on the odd walk at lunch to running 5k almost every morning. Tight in 42" waist pants then, 38" are loose now, almost ready for 36 :D

    That is amazing. What a wonderful father. :) you should be really proud of yourself for making such a big change from just a statement from your child!!!
  • eggomylegos
    eggomylegos Posts: 146 Member
    All of my immediate family members are Type 2 diabetic or pre-diabetic. My mother has always been a relatively healthy eater and never overweight a day in her life. She called to tell me that her glucose levels were high. I flipped out. At 300+ lbs, it seemed like pure luck that I had avoided it for so long.

    I logged on to MFP the next day. Doing pretty well so far :)
  • kfesta52
    kfesta52 Posts: 98 Member
    Mine was the start of summer two years ago, when I couldn't fit into any of my shorts, except the stretchy-waist athletic kind.
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,013 Member
    Last spring, someone thought I was pregnant when my son was already 9 months old :(
  • marricurt
    marricurt Posts: 47 Member
    Cancer. It wasn't a direct cause of being overweight but it made me reevaluate my life and my health. It is a hell of a wake up call....
  • EdoLuna
    EdoLuna Posts: 10
    My wake up call was when i started cosplaying

    Seeing the difference between the actual character and myself and feeling disgusted at what i was staring at in the mirror.
    but i stopped because i got discurraged and side tracked but now im back
    The second wake up call was the same thing and along with seeing my brother so skinny now omg i had to be like that or close to that by next year !