Excercise tricks

How do you stay motivated on the treadmill?

I watch youtube videos, films, music videos, talk shows, etc.

Since I have a busy life, I use the gym as an excuse to get in all my favorite mindless shows.

It's been helping me so far.

So what are your little motivation tricks?

Also, what are some favorite television shows you are addicted too? I am running out of mindless shows to watch on.

And the only reason I like the gym/treadmill is because the machines help me stay exercising. If I were to go jog at the beach, I'd slack off and go lay down instead of exercise. So the outdoors thing does not work for me.

I hate exercising, but I hate looking out of shape the most. So any motivational tips you share are good.


  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    i like the gym still and am still finiding myself motivated most days. but when i am not my son pushes me because he is in love with their day care.

    when i dont have a class there its my chance to zone out of all stress. its pretty much the first thing i think of doing now when i am in a foul mood.

    i am trying to think of some trick i use but for the first time in my life i actually want to be there.

    on the treadmill, i listen to trance music. the beats and melodies combined are perfect for motivation. my mini goals are to keep time with the bass of each song until the end, then slow down and follow the momentum of the songs to speed up to sprints. trance control is the best group i have found so far for running.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    i used to watch the tv but i found it didnt make me push myself at all. made me want to stay easy and slow so i could follow what they were saying. it didnt last.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    the only way i can stomach the treadmill is by doing intervals: hill, running, running on hills
  • betreich
    betreich Posts: 51 Member
    I prefer outdoor running, in comparison I find treadmill running mind numbingly boring. However some days the only way I can get some running type cardio in is hop on the mill. What makes it more tolerable for me is doing intervals - mixing up speed and incline. It makes for a more efficient workout too I think.