I wanted to talk a little about FREE DAYS!!

I know a lot of people take their weight loss ultra seriously and go so far as to only have shakes and salads for meals like 7 days a week to cut back on those calories. If you are losing some extra pounds, fair enough, but dont torture yourself. Eat right and work out 5-6 days a week, but keep a free day where you treat yourself to junk. I worked hard the past 5 days , but today i ended up eating like 3500 calories.....and I felt GREAT! I had ice cream, a burger, a chocolate bar, chips, and a small hawaiin with extra cheese, along with 8 beers!!! Did i feel guilt....nope. Why.....cause i worked out hard all week, and thats what i do every week....i work hard 5-6 days and have a free junk I gain weight......nope.....i actually gain muscle and lose fat, why....cause my metabolism builds up through out the week which allows me to enjoy the foods i wana eat that 1 day.

Dont ever sacrifice what you enjoy.....just work hard and reap the benefits!!!


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Errr. Sorry to burst your bubble but you're not gaining muscle. So you've Benh at this around 6 weeks but lost any weight and already having blow outs. I'd suggest reassessing your approach. I can eat chips and burgers all week if I want because I stick to reasonable calorie goals. Have a look at the link it may help you. Also I think you've seriously underestimated those calories
  • Jodsmission
    Jodsmission Posts: 130 Member
    Oh my I get to be the b**ch this morning. That's a first for me. Sounds a little like you haven't hit bottom yet. Losing weight isn't about shakes and salads its about changing your lifestyle.(IMO) You aren't just cutting the calories and working out, you are changing your mind set. Yes, we have FREE DAYS where you don't workout and don't eating at the perfect mark but not to double.
    You feel great ? I'll bet! You just threw pure sugars and fats at your body and hard and then let it do whatever it wanted to do with them,which by the way is going to be hold them because it used all it needed to use in the first bowl of ice cream.
    The previous poster is right. You want a burger. Have a burger but you have to rebalance the rest of your day to allow for that intake.
    Most of us have spent a lifetime indulging ourselves.Its not a matter of denying yourself; its putting yourself first and not relying on food to make you feel better.
    When you get to the bottom you will know it and we will still be here.
    Do I get my B**ch Badge now from the forum?
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I find it is far too easy to blow an entire week's worth of deficit with an entire day of free-for-all, so I limit myself to a periodic MEAL to go overboard on. Certainly not a whole day. I don't know about anyone else, but I'd feel like absolute crap if I had a whole day of nothing but crap. :sick: Whatever works for you though, OP.
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    I have a free day today....I have given it to myself because I have a memorial to go to. I will make the best choices possible. It will not be a blowout day.
    Why undo what changes you have made in one day? It's not worth it to me. I have to work too hard to plan my food and fitness.
    This should become a lifestyle, not, one day I will eat salads and then go nuts another day.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I'm all for having a free meal and making sure that I don't go over my maintenance calories, but to make a day out of it? No.

    My reasons have all been listed by the posters above.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    The OP has three total posts and all of them subtly attack a large portion of MFP. They all focus on what "a lot of people" do which he then says is somehow wrong while his logic is based on fallacies such as a metabolism building up throughout the week so he can eat and drink whatever he wants with impunity. The zero pounds lost with twenty to go in the OP's ticker really makes this latest post appear to be rationalization of his lack of progress on a site he previously described as filled with "people here are obsessed about weight and appearance."
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    uh huh. ok.