Tone up torso help

Desperately need exercises to tone my torso (stomach, love handles, bra back fat). Would love to go to the gym but can't afford it so hoping that some of you have exercises I can do at home.

I've been walking and doing dumbbell exercises for arms. Also whilst waiting on the kettle boiling, trying a few squats though I can't manage a proper parell ones just yet, but at least I'm trying :) Have tried to do planks, one footed due to having plates and screws in foot. I'm also missing two discs in my lower spine so exercises where I lie on my back are out (hoping as I strengthen up that this will change).

Had my foot accident almost 3 years ago and had to learn how to walk again and its painful to weight bear on it but it is getting better as I push through the walking pain. Any help would be fantastic as my torso is wayyyyy too wobbly now after the weight loss


  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    You can't spot reduce for any specific area. You'll have to reduce body fat all over, and eventually you'll lose fat from your trouble areas. Eat at a deficit, and lift heavy (HEAVY, not those little 5 or 8 pounders. As heavy as you can manage while maintaining good form. ) weights to preserve your lean muscle, and you will lose inches from everywhere, including your upper torso and trunk.

    Since you cant afford a gym at the moment, invest in some kettlebells to use at home. There are some great Youtube videos showing how to work out with them. Or look up "Convict Conditioning" or "You Are Your Own Gym", which specialize in workouts using your own body weight as resistance.