low carb foods help!

hello everyone, i need some help i am in desperate need to lose weigh i was 27 stones and have lost 22 pounds in 4 weeks i have stopped all sweets, chocolate,biscuits, pop and all bad stuff i am in gym 4 times per week concentrating on cardio on exercise bike and tread mill so all seems to be going well i have been taking sic mx diet meal pro shakes soon as i wake up to start of my metabolism as i usual don't eat till 11 am, my problem is i eat far too late at night by the time i get home from work and kids are in bed, odd jobs are done its 9 or 10 pm before i eat my tea. i know i have to eat earlier and i am really trying but that has its own problems as i will tend to snack if i eat early and its a nightmare making that change, can anyone suggest any low carb meals i can eat for tea as i am usually having a jacket potato salad and chicken breast for tea or similar,and after gym i have another protein shake (they are only 192 cal) and the carbs are just turning to fat as a couple of hours layer i am in bed! so any low carb meals will be better for me, i am booked in to see a nutritionalist next week but wondered if you the people who do this every day have any suggestions, i am really worried about my health i am 40 now and the only positive things in my life are i don't drink or smoke. (i stopped nearly three years ago and ballooned. so my eating habits and choices need sorting out, thanks everyone


  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    That's nonsense. Meal timings are irrelevant. Just because you ate some carbs before bed does not mean that that food will turn into fat. It's daily calories what matters, that's all. Don't believe ever BS article you read on internet. I'm sure your nutritionist will tell you the same thing, if he's up to date with latest science.

    Anyhow, I like to have a cottage cheese. That's my favorite. I like to add some protein powder with flavor and/or some fruits and ate it that way. You can blend it up so it gets mixed really good and has that nice creamy texture. Kinda like ice cream but not really. You can add anything to it- fruits, nuts, dill and other spices like that, or some vanilla, etc. You can also do the same with Greek Yogurt. Add protein powered to it, nuts, fruits. Or you can just buy already flavored ones.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Jacket potato is obviously off the menu, and chicken breast isn't a great low carb option either (pure protein).

    Make a burger from cheap 20% fat beef mince - like a snowball then flatten it. Have it with some steamed broccoli and green beans.

    If it gets to late at night and you haven't eaten just go to bed, you have ample reserves to see you through the night.

    Full fat greek yoghurt (10% fat) with some almonds chopped into it as a dessert or snack.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    It really sounds as if you're over complicating this. You need to find a way that you can eat for the great of your life. Cutting all these foods out of your diet is more likely to mean you binge on them or crave them. You need to learn moderation and portion control. I suggest looking at the following link.it will help you. Good luck

  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    and the carbs are just turning to fat as a couple of hours layer i am in bed!

    Where on Earth are you getting this information? Carbs do not magically turn to fat in a matter of a couple hours, that's completely nonsensical. When you eat has no bearing on your weight loss. Eat whenever you want, and as long as you are eating at a deficit, you will lose weight.

    Don't focus so much on the cardio aspect of your workouts. Start lifting heavy weights 3-5 times a week to preserve your muscle, so the weight you do lose will be more fat than lean muscle.
  • thanks for replies. i have obviously been told some un truths re carbs before bed etc. i do a few weights at gym as well but i have been concentrating on cardio hoping to shift as much weight as poss first so i am in better shape to move onto next phase the steamed veg sounds good thanks again