HRM not working...

Had my polar ft4 HRM for just over 3 years. It's started acting up, it wouldn't pick my HR up, then it would shoot to 230, then 00. Bought a new strap as had replaced the batteries not long ago. And still doesn't work!!! Think I just need to accept the inevitable and buy a new one?????


  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Stupid question: did you replace batteries in both watch and the thing you stick on your strap? (It's name eludes me at the moment!).

    It sounds similar to how mine was behaving (same model) and I just really made sure that I was soaking the strap before wearing it and I was soaking myself before attaching the strap. Also made sure I washed the strap only through the machine every 2-3 wears.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Yes replaced both batteries. Sometime it picks up my HR, then it goes to 00 and then jumps around all over the place. It's so annoying, hate working out without it!! The new strap doesn't work, so it must be the black bit?? (Not sure what it's called either?!?) lol
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i think the black thingy is called the transmitter
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
  • Voww
    Voww Posts: 39 Member
    Got an FT4 too and the exact same thing was happening, so annoying, either it wouldn't pick up the heart rate or shot to a high number then 00, or even more annoying would pick up and I'd start exercising then it'd go high/00 and say 'check ...' then take ages to pick up again. I kept taking the batteries out/in of both watch and transmitter then bought a new bat for the transmitter, then a new bat for the watch and so far it's been ok 90 per cent of the time. Don't know if it's because the chest strap is drying out early on in exercise before it gets 'sweaty' enough to keep transmitting, and it's temperamental about position as well, doesn't work if I keep the transmitter in the centre of my chest so have to move it slightly to the left to get it to work. Won't be buying another.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Yes. You can't get the strap wet enough, imo. I usually soak mine in a sink 5-10 min before I wear it - this solved the same issue with me (once I'd done the battery on the watch and transmitter!).
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member

    if you can not keep it wet and connected, try a gel
  • Changingmyfatitude
    Changingmyfatitude Posts: 97 Member
    Yes replaced both batteries. Sometime it picks up my HR, then it goes to 00 and then jumps around all over the place. It's so annoying, hate working out without it!! The new strap doesn't work, so it must be the black bit?? (Not sure what it's called either?!?) lol

    I have only had mine a few months and it started doing this crap! very annoying and distracting for workouts. I washed the strap a few times then it started working again and now its back to this insane behavior so I am sending it back as it is still under warranty.

    It looks like you have tried all the solutions that people normally mention so it may be time for a new one - good luck
  • Kidominos
    Kidominos Posts: 1,249 Member
    I use a gel as well and have not had any connection problems since then.