Never ate so healthy in my life!

I am unsure what truly made me start making this more serious than any other time, but I knew it was time and I am pretty sure the big part about finally doing this is because my wedding is in a few months and i want to feel good, look good and others to take notice, especially the man I am going to marry!

It's all really hard especially since I am a stay at home Mom and I am afraid that over time I am going to lose sight of being cautious of what I eat and my exercising, it seems when i would do this before I did really good at first but then I would slowly stop, although i have never really ate this good and never exercised this much I am feeling pretty confident that I will continue this, but I am still VERY afraid I will stop. I am unsure how I will remain doing so good!



  • nygal87
    I am the same way! I've only been doing it a week, but I'm so surprised at how well I've been eating this past week and I've spent an hour at the gym every day this week as well and didn't make any excuses not to go. Tomorrow is my well deserved day off from the gym. The way I do it is I'm trying to hold myself accountable by tell a few friends at work and out of work too and I don't want to be a quitter in anyone's eyes so I am forcing myself to stick with it.I gave my friend at work permission to take away any junk food she may see me try to eat. lol. And I joined a weigh loss challenge on another site and since I'm a bit competitive, I'm going to want to stick with losing weight every week.

    But I think the best thing to remember is every day is a new day. if you had one lousy day where you ate over your limit or didn't work out, forget about that day and start fresh the next day. That's something that I've stamped into my brain this time around. I was always one to give up when I had a bad day before, but now I'm just going to go at it one day at a time.
  • Tallbrunette1980
    That is so true! What site did you join and is it free? sites are best. =).. Congrats on the 3 lbs, seems we are in the same boat but you are going to the gym every single day which is awesome and I am working out everyday just about, but normally I only work out between 20 and 35 minutes each. But, it's better than zero. =)
  • nygal87
    yep the site is free. Right now the weight loss challenge is for November/December but you can join at any time.

    and thanks...I have moments where I get frustrated because I wish fat would just melt off my body and I think 3 lbs is no big deal when I compare it to the 50 I'm trying to lose. But then I remember how hard I worked to get those 3 lbs off in a week and I'm a little proud of myself. I just wish weight would come off as easily as it's put on. lol.
  • terribw
    What needs to be a focus point is a lifestyle not a diet. It has taken me 18 months to lose 20 lbs. It seems ridiculous but I am dedicated to a healthier life style. Changing bad habits one at a time and replacing it with a healthy one.Questioning my motives and taking notice of what I am eating and why. I always ask myself(or try to) DO I NEED THIS? WILL THIS BENEFIT ME? Sometimes it is for poor reasons and I do it anyways but I am aware of my choices. I have been trying new recipes and it is so easy to fall back on what is easy and what you know but I never give up. That is my biggest habit change....not giving up. I am ok with the weight taking forever to go away because I have gained so much by letting go of unrealistic expectations, pressure I put on my self and the disappointment I feel when I worked so hard to only have lost 1 lb
    I am on the road of recovery and I chose to rejoice in each success and not feel like a failure when I screw up. It has taken me over a year to come to this resolution. The burden is gone and I am at peace with the slow......very slow pace. My weight does not define who I am and I have already feel so much healthier and it will only get better. The good thing is once I exit a series of lbs(200's 190's 180'sect..) I have not seen it again so it is a permanent weight loss this time!

    As far as a work out, tallbrunette nailed it, any minutes are better than no minutes. Just get out there and move even if it is a quick walk around the block. 5 quick walks could add up. I have 30 minutes for lunch and I take a few minute to walk and then I eat. Catch a quick walk whenever you can, hit the gym hard when you have the energy or stroll on the beach. Just move
  • nygal87
    I've realized in the past couple days that I am my own worst enemy. There is no reason why I needed to gain all that weight. Once I gained the courage to step into the gym on Monday, ever since then I just get on the elliptical or arc trainer, blast my favorite upbeat songs and before I know it, time is up and I feel good about myself. But yes, I agree 20 mins is definitely much better than no minutes. Before this week, the most physical activity I did outside work was taking my dogs outside..which took like 5 mins and not a whole lot of moving on my part..
  • Tallbrunette1980
    Thank you for the link.. Wishing you both the best in losing the weight you desire. We just need to stick together and motivate each other.