Perfume and/or cologne while exercising

MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
What is the point? Honestly? This is OUTDOORS even...some mornings when I run I must pass three or four people drenched in perfume...I mean I can smell them a block after I pass them-they leave a trail.
I me, exercising is to accept the fact that I am going to be sweaty and gross...after, I will take a shower and wash my clothes and I'll smell better.
Anybody understand this phenomenon? Does not compute.


  • gym_king_carlie
    gym_king_carlie Posts: 528 Member
    I do use deodorant but I don't wash myself in it before I go exercising, I just like to feel fresh. I do choke on some peoples fragrances at the gym on the cardio equipment to the point I have moved to another treadmill or what ever I am doing because its so over powering.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I do wear deodorant but I don't wash myself in it before I go exercising, I just like to feel fresh. I do choke on some peoples fragrances at the gym on the cardio equipment to the point I have moved to another treadmill or what ever I am doing because its so over powering.

    ^ This is exactly what I am referring to. I may even take a quick shower before dance class (let's face it...I'm wearing minimal covering and the teachers get up close and personal to help spot me, etc. so I don't fall). I appreciate a clean person as much as anyone else. And deodorant? Of course, I would hope so.

    I's a very clear distinction between being sanitary/practicing proper hygiene and drenching one's self in perfume or cologne. It's men and women here I'm talking about. I just can't understand. I mean...if you clean yourself you may sweat but you shouldn't have to worry about bathing in Chanel no. 5 :/
  • TX_Thundercat
    TX_Thundercat Posts: 2,437 Member
    Keeps bears away?
  • gym_king_carlie
    gym_king_carlie Posts: 528 Member
    I completely agree, there's no need for them to be a walking bottle of aftershave/perfume lol, you should take paper strips and swipe them for tasters of the scents haha
  • LegendaryOrange
    LegendaryOrange Posts: 2,864 Member
    I CANT STAND cologne/perfume at the gym. You may think you have B.O. but trust me if you do it's not as strong as perfume and quite frankly I can tolerate a little B.O. better than a lungful of alcoholic spray while doing cardio
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I do wear deodorant but I don't wash myself in it before I go exercising, I just like to feel fresh. I do choke on some peoples fragrances at the gym on the cardio equipment to the point I have moved to another treadmill or what ever I am doing because its so over powering.

    ^ This is exactly what I am referring to. I may even take a quick shower before dance class (let's face it...I'm wearing minimal covering and the teachers get up close and personal to help spot me, etc. so I don't fall). I appreciate a clean person as much as anyone else. And deodorant? Of course, I would hope so.

    I's a very clear distinction between being sanitary/practicing proper hygiene and drenching one's self in perfume or cologne. It's men and women here I'm talking about. I just can't understand. I mean...if you clean yourself you may sweat but you shouldn't have to worry about bathing in Chanel no. 5 :/

    lol what is this, amateur hour?

    its common knowledge that if you want to drench yourself in anything, its the $5 vanilla body sprays from Targét

    chanel #5 smells like death and brown poverty soap

    HAHAHAHA. I laughed so hard at the chanel comment. We went on a trip recently and there was one of those stores that sells "good" perfume for discounted prices (cruise)...I smelled chanel no. 5 and just about threw up right then and there. It's why I chose to use that perfume as an example of a smell that makes me sick while I work out. Because...umm...gross.
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
  • cronly
    cronly Posts: 307 Member
    Saw a movie once - i think - where a guy started to have a super sensitive sense of smell. Turned out he had brain cancer.
  • runforestrun35
    runforestrun35 Posts: 480 Member
    I don't know how I manage to end up next to people drenched in perfume and cologne on the treadmill..... It throws me into an asthma attack !!!
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Saw a movie once - i think - where a guy started to have a super sensitive sense of smell. Turned out he had brain cancer.

    Doesn't take a keen sense of smell to detect half a bottle of cheap perfume on a person.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    This...this morning. All morning. Every woman I ran past (and this is OUTSIDE)...they're wearing like...fancy workout clothes. Matching velour and diamond earrings...and drenched in perfume that I can smell a block after I pass them! Seriously! No cause for that! Working out is about getting sweaty and working hard...not being gorgeous!
