I just lost all self control and binged...

I ate half a small pizza and half of domino's Artisan pizza plus 8 bbq wings... I feel like I'm going to throw up. I feel so disgusted with myself and couldn't control my cravings at all :(

Should I throw away the rest of the pizza? My stomach hurts and I literally feel nauseous because I've been doing so well for awhile... after I ate all of that, I became an emotional wreck and just started crying.

I'm 5'4 and about 154 lbs btw. Lost about 6 lbs in the first 2 wks.


  • daedalus01
    daedalus01 Posts: 44 Member
    It happens, if anything it'll keep you on track for awhile. Weight loss isn't something you do overnight, you're going to be cutting weight for a long time. Stop worrying so much.
  • Censor76
    Censor76 Posts: 48 Member
    First off, congratulations on releasing 6 pounds.

    I have control issues so I'd have to throw out the pizza but if you can portion the leftovers out you can definitely make it work!

    We all mess up from time to time. Don't beat yourself up. Many of us are here because we've had issues with food. Tomorrow start new. Today is only one day. It's done and you can't redo it.

    Good luck!
  • fitsporation96

    Today I convinced myself that I would start afresh and eat clean and healthy all day, well this worked! until 7pm and I went and raided the cupboards.
    I am trying again tomorrow, just keep your mind active and off food, read a book, do some tidying around the house, paint, dance, exercise. Do something you enjoy that doesn't involve thinking of food. This has helped me so much in the past. I need to think this way again! ????

    Good Luck ????
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Be tolerant, kind, and patient with yourself. Everybody goofs up sometimes, and there's not a thing wrong with that. Now you know when you overeat that amount you feel nauseated and get a stomach ache. Moderation is the key.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Log it. Realize that you probably didn't do as badly as you think. Put the rest in the fridge. Eat it tomorrow, if you want. It might help you to think about your calories on a weekly basis. Then when you have a day when you eat a little more, you know that another day you might eat less. Things balance out over the week.

    Be sure you are not restricting your calories too much. Also, try not to deny yourself the foods you love. Learn to work them into your daily calories and macros. You'll be much happier. You won't be as tempted to eat a whole pizza and wings.

    Continue to work on your self control and moderation. It took me over the course of a year to really feel like I had a handle on that piece of weight loss. Learn to look at this as getting healthy - not just losing weight. Do healthy things. Eat more healthy things. Try and make this something you can do for the rest of your life. Not a punishment. After all - this is your life. :flowerforyou:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    you don't have that much to lose - it seems to me that your calorie deficit is too big (losing 6lb in 2 weeks when you only have a few lbs to lose)... if you only have a few lbs to lose then you need to aim to lose more slowly. The less you have to lose, the greater the risk of having problems caused by undereating - and binge eating is one of them. It often is the direct result of eating too little, and it's a normal survival response kicking in. Taking the weight loss more slowly helps to stop this instinct kicking in, and makes the whole process of losing fat easier. Other risks of eating too little include losing lean mass along with the fat.... you need to aim to lose just fat and nothing else. Big losses in a short time are not all fat. The human body can't burn fat all that quickly, which is why trying to lose weight too fast is counterproductive - it's not just fat you're losing. I'd advise setting your calorie goal to just 1lb or even 0.5lb a week and focusing on eating enough protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals and fibre to keep your body healthy. Yes it's slower this way, but it's also healthier and you're much less likely to get trapped in a cycle of excessive restriction and binge eating. It may be slower, but it tends to be steadier, and many people find that it's easier to maintain your goal weight when you get there, because the way you got there wasn't torturous or difficult. I mean, that's what everyone really wants... to stay at their goal weight for life... trying to get there more quickly makes it harder to stay there for life. Taking it a bit more slowly makes long term maintenance easier.
  • phoenixx866
    phoenixx866 Posts: 173 Member
    I found that a huge part of changing my mindset...

    Instead of saying "I can't," I started saying "I don't."

    And I don't mean saying "I don't eat pizza," but rather, "I don't eat 5 slices of pizza."

    Do not deny yourself the foods you love. You'll end up craving it and binging. Take a deep breath, and pick yourself up and try again. Having 1 bad day isn't going to throw you off your journey. I know you can do this.
  • Jessmaure
    Jessmaure Posts: 1
    Last week was a horrible train-wreck for me. I ate...a few too many brownies :( and I went a little crazy with guilt. Thanks for posting this! It is always good to hear you aren't alone. :)

    Fresh start tomorrow.
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    It is ok. We all have bad days some over, some under on calories. The trick is to aim for your calorie goal. As someone else mentioned its more about averaging things out. No day is going to be perfect. So log it in, own it and move forward for tomorrow is a new day.
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Dominoes....been there. To me ordering pizza equals just being lazy and not wanting to cook (plus hubby likes it ).
    And yes, I feel terrible after eating it as well.
    One of these days I will find a homemade replacement that will take care of the pizza urge....
    anything homemade has to be better for you.
    So that being said, put on a happy face and move on. Tomorrow is a new day.
  • sensitivefool
    sensitivefool Posts: 343 Member
    You did it. It happened. Accept it. Throw out that pizza, go for a walk to clear your head, get some sleep. Tomorrow is a new day. You want to binge? Eat some bites of a food you hate that has a strong taste. It'll calm your brain down. It'll be okay. You've already lost 6 lbs. Of course you can continue. :)
  • SuzieQNutter
    SuzieQNutter Posts: 6 Member
    Plan your splurges and don't splurge more than once a week.

    Pizza can be healthy you can make it with whole meal flour and use the yoghurt pizza dough recipe. (Let google be your friend)

    Top with vegies, low fat meat, you can even use low fat cheese if you wish.

    You can then have it in your meals and not in your splurges.
  • Bloopers123
    Thank you everyone so much for your comments, it really puts me at ease! I just went out for a drive and threw away the rest of the pizza. Yes, I am on restrictive calorie counting - some days I eat 800 calories... I guess that's what put me over the edge, so I will definitely be re-constructing my meals so that I don't feel so deprived all the time. Funny thing is, the pizza and wings weren't even that good, I just couldn't stop eating them because I haven't had greasy food in awhile and really missed it. I feel like I need to vomit but I'm trying to hold it in...
  • Bloopers123
    you don't have that much to lose - it seems to me that your calorie deficit is too big (losing 6lb in 2 weeks when you only have a few lbs to lose)... if you only have a few lbs to lose then you need to aim to lose more slowly. The less you have to lose, the greater the risk of having problems caused by undereating - and binge eating is one of them. It often is the direct result of eating too little, and it's a normal survival response kicking in. Taking the weight loss more slowly helps to stop this instinct kicking in, and makes the whole process of losing fat easier. Other risks of eating too little include losing lean mass along with the fat.... you need to aim to lose just fat and nothing else. Big losses in a short time are not all fat. The human body can't burn fat all that quickly, which is why trying to lose weight too fast is counterproductive - it's not just fat you're losing. I'd advise setting your calorie goal to just 1lb or even 0.5lb a week and focusing on eating enough protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals and fibre to keep your body healthy. Yes it's slower this way, but it's also healthier and you're much less likely to get trapped in a cycle of excessive restriction and binge eating. It may be slower, but it tends to be steadier, and many people find that it's easier to maintain your goal weight when you get there, because the way you got there wasn't torturous or difficult. I mean, that's what everyone really wants... to stay at their goal weight for life... trying to get there more quickly makes it harder to stay there for life. Taking it a bit more slowly makes long term maintenance easier.

    Thanks for this post... really put things into perspective. And you're right, I have been eating too little it seems.
  • Mykaelous
    Mykaelous Posts: 231 Member
    You have a great opportunity right now to reach a better level of self-knowledge. If I were you I would try to understand the circumstances and environment that led me to make a bad choice, what was different about today that made it easy to make a choice that you now regret. With that knowledge you can avoid repeating this in the future. Throwing away the pizza would be a good first step. The best thing to do is to continue your diet as normal and just try to understand why you made the decision that you did and then move on.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Thank you everyone so much for your comments, it really puts me at ease! I just went out for a drive and threw away the rest of the pizza. Yes, I am on restrictive calorie counting - some days I eat 800 calories... I guess that's what put me over the edge, so I will definitely be re-constructing my meals so that I don't feel so deprived all the time. Funny thing is, the pizza and wings weren't even that good, I just couldn't stop eating them because I haven't had greasy food in awhile and really missed it. I feel like I need to vomit but I'm trying to hold it in...
    800 calories? why? Are you trying to lose weight for something like an upcoming wedding, or are you trying to lose weight permanently, for your health? If the latter: eat more. If the former: eat more.

    Whatever you're doing, consider doing THIS instead:

    then tweak as needed.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Thank you everyone so much for your comments, it really puts me at ease! I just went out for a drive and threw away the rest of the pizza. Yes, I am on restrictive calorie counting - some days I eat 800 calories... I guess that's what put me over the edge, so I will definitely be re-constructing my meals so that I don't feel so deprived all the time. Funny thing is, the pizza and wings weren't even that good, I just couldn't stop eating them because I haven't had greasy food in awhile and really missed it. I feel like I need to vomit but I'm trying to hold it in...
    800 calories? why? Are you trying to lose weight for something like an upcoming wedding, or are you trying to lose weight permanently, for your health? If the latter: eat more. If the former: eat more.

    Whatever you're doing, consider doing THIS instead:

    then tweak as needed.

    Please read this link, OP. Dieting doesn't have to be miserable and you can still eat some pizza and wings while doing it.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Thank you everyone so much for your comments, it really puts me at ease! I just went out for a drive and threw away the rest of the pizza. Yes, I am on restrictive calorie counting - some days I eat 800 calories... I guess that's what put me over the edge, so I will definitely be re-constructing my meals so that I don't feel so deprived all the time. Funny thing is, the pizza and wings weren't even that good, I just couldn't stop eating them because I haven't had greasy food in awhile and really missed it. I feel like I need to vomit but I'm trying to hold it in...
    800 calories? why? Are you trying to lose weight for something like an upcoming wedding, or are you trying to lose weight permanently, for your health? If the latter: eat more. If the former: eat more.

    Whatever you're doing, consider doing THIS instead:

    then tweak as needed.

    Please read this link, OP. Dieting doesn't have to be miserable and you can still eat some pizza and wings while doing it.

    All of this. Everyone can eat what they want within reason and be successful.
  • ryliery
    ryliery Posts: 25 Member
    I just did too. I feel your pain!
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278 Member

    Today I convinced myself that I would start afresh and eat clean and healthy all day, well this worked! until 7pm and I went and raided the cupboards.
    I am trying again tomorrow, just keep your mind active and off food, read a book, do some tidying around the house, paint, dance, exercise. Do something you enjoy that doesn't involve thinking of food. This has helped me so much in the past. I need to think this way again! ????

    Good Luck ????

    I did this all the time. Its so common. Its helpful to ditch the I screwed up and I will start fresh tomorrow. Moving on and starting fresh right away takes the power out of a binge day. It just becomes a moment not a day.
    Labeling food good foods and bad foods also gives food to much power. Making things off limits leads to guilt, and cravings. Allow yourself to have a little some times. It helps