Savoury Protein Powder Recipe

1992Leigh1992 Posts: 100 Member
Hi everyone,

I have natural flavoured brown rice protein and am seeking ways to use it in dinner recipes.

I found this great recipe on Protein Pow, however, it doesn't give ANY measurements of how much of each ingredient to use.

Does anyone have savoury protein powder recipes they could share? Soups, curries, stir-fries, ect?

Please post here if you have come across any.

I am vegetarian, so something that doesn't contain meat or can be adapted to be vegetarian would be great.


  • proteinpow
    Hi! Aw, thanks for liking my recipe. The amounts, you know, are kind of up to you! For the recipe there though, I used about 1/2 cup lentils and 1 whole onion, 2-3 garlic cloves, one can of tomatoes, 1/8 oats milk (though cartoned coconut would be best), and 1/8 cup of brown rice protein pow - with herbs and spices added to taste and water/milk added until you get to your desired consistency :-)
  • 1992Leigh1992
    1992Leigh1992 Posts: 100 Member