Starting over, need support!



  • Slopez8368
    Starting over as well!! Ive lost 125 pounds in the past year and the past two months gained 17. I've lost 9 of the 17 gained and feeling better! I figured I'd join myfitnesspal for some support! :) Good luck to all of you!
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    I'm starting over as well. I want to be smaller again and I want to do it healthy not like last time where I dropped 40 lbs in 2 and a half months there was extenuating circumstances:ohwell: So I'm going one step at a time calories now adding cardio twice a week at the end of August then January once I've got a new set schedule and my shoulder is hopefully better I'm adding strength for body changes. Hopefully all this means by the time I can finally afford to surgically fix the one area I literally have never lost weight at I wont have to hear someone say "Lose 20 lbs, then come back and see me.' That phrase scares me so much for some reason. I'd love to watch your journey in all this.
  • newbeginningsbob
    newbeginningsbob Posts: 25 Member
    I am in the same boat. I'm restarting and kicking myself because why didn't I just keep it up in the first place?

    I'm trying to really focus on self control and better choices so add me if you need more support! :)
  • GalaxyBird
    GalaxyBird Posts: 24 Member
    I'm doing the exact same thing. I went through a breakup and lost 10 lbs and then started putting it back on again because I felt cocky (cocky even though I still needed to lose 80 more!). I am also blogging, we can follow each other:

  • Cappa124
    Cappa124 Posts: 131
    Just saw all these replies!! :) Sending friend requests pronto!!!

    Feel free to follow my blog too if you like blogging - its mostly healthy baking recipes at the moment but will be expanding to work-out reviews soon when I start my DVD sets!!


  • jequirity
    jequirity Posts: 37 Member
    Count me in with everyone else in the 'starting over club'.

    I managed to keep the 30lbs I lost off for years but then I got sick and ended up gained it all back in less than a year.

    I find it harder this time knowing that I have already had success in the past to have the patience need for the slow grind that is needed to get back to where I used to be then it was the first time I lost the weight and never had any previous success at all! :/
  • KateDegnan
    KateDegnan Posts: 34 Member
    I started over again at the beginning of last month at my heaviest weight yet (except for when I was pregnant) Started off at 284 and down 14 lbs already. It's a lifestyle style change and hard but is so worth it. Feel free to add me.
  • andyphin
    andyphin Posts: 38 Member
    I am in the same boat. Will be on week three next week. So frustrating I know!
  • Cappa124
    Cappa124 Posts: 131
    Added everyone! :)
  • meghan_lovely
    meghan_lovely Posts: 48 Member
    I'm in the same boat! Starting over on MFP after gaining about 15 lbs. since winter. So done with the yo-yo weight loss and weight gain. Staying motivated is the hardest part!
  • phyllismuss
    phyllismuss Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story. I am in the same boat. Though I've tried all winter with "intuitive eating" and Geneen Roth's approach, I've gained 8 lbs. Now I'm the heaviest I've ever been at 183 and 5'2. I just want to have the energy I used to have, with less pain at the end of the day. If you have a support group on here, I'd appreciate the add.

    If I am honest with myself though, i have to admit, I've never been really diligent about using MFP. This time, I will be. It's a reality check to enter your foods and see how much one really does eat in a day.

    All the best to you,
  • Tracywithawhy
    Fat, salt and sugar are addictive. I compare it to quitting cigarettes. One day you just get up and refuse to continue the choice that is making you miserable. Commit cause you know you are fighting for your life. Don't ever underestimate the hold. I am a healthy eater restarter as well. I get it. I am one month in...this time it's turning into a lifestyle of yummy tastes. It's not just a goal it's a restart on how my brain thinks. I love that you are seeking's perfect. Stay strong and live in the moment. I get it.❤️
  • lillypad13
    lillypad13 Posts: 35 Member
    I have been a member of MFP since 2011 and I have backslid enough myself. I have been back on a 1200 to 1400 calories of healthy food a day for three weeks and just got started with the C25K program. I not only want to lose weight I want to be strong enough to run three times a week, I've never been strong- I really want to. I'd like to join your group too!
  • Cappa124
    Cappa124 Posts: 131
    Sent requests to everyone! I log on every day and love seeing what everyone has been doing and seeing peoples posts, work outs, and weight losses!! Its a very good motivator! Maybe I should think about starting a group on here as well?? :) I also do post to my blog daily about what's going on with me, new healthy recipes that i've come up with, personal goals, challenges, (an occasional photo of my cats... lol) etc, so maybe some sort of accountability challenge on there is warranted as well? Who knows :)

    For anyone else who comes across this - feel free to add me and check out my blog:

    I promise I don't bite ;)
  • Jac275
    Jac275 Posts: 4 Member
    I am also starting over for the umpteenth time. About 8 years ago I was the weight I am now, one day I just went No this is it, I am not happy, started walking a couple of days a week and counting calories. Lost 7kg (15lbs) in a couple of months. And kept it off give or take a couple. Over the years and 2 kids later, I am back to that weight again. And miserable. I get up in the morning and have to find clothes for work that dont show all the lumps, which is hard because most of my clothes are from my thinner days. I cant remember how i stuck to it back then, it didnt seem nearly as hard as it does now. I last a day or 2, get hungry and just eat whatever I feel like. I found a photo taken on my sons second birthday, and cant believe I was so much thinner then. And its 2 months out from my daughters 2nd birthday, would love to be in her birthday photos without looking like an elephant. And to think i still thought I needed to lose weight. Oh to be that weight again. Im in Australia, and its winter, so walking isnt an appealing option, by the time I finish work its dark and cold. But I want to be able to wear nice clothes when it starts to get warmer. I just dont know why it seems so much harder this time around. I think part of my problem is, if I reach my calories for the day and I am still hungry. I think well if im gonna go over the limit I may aswell do it with something yummy and out comes the chocolate. Anyways, thats my story, so I thought I would chime in and say I am in the starting over club aswell.
  • Cappa124
    Cappa124 Posts: 131
    Better to be starting over now then to just continue on! You can find the motivation! Maybe start with only .5-1 lb per week and try eating foods with a lot of protein to fill you up better?:) sent a friend request!:)
  • Lonnad1
    Lonnad1 Posts: 47 Member
    I am starting over to for the third time. I had maintained my weight for six years, then after baby number 3, gained 30 pounds and never lost it. All due to my bad food choices. Feel free to add me. We can do this!
  • Kimberli1960
    I share your struggle and admire you for reaching out. I'm pretty new here and am looking for support as well. Feel free to add me as a friend. I look forward to your blog. All the best!
  • Cappa124
    Cappa124 Posts: 131
    Added and added! :) We are gonna be one successful group of people! :)
  • Rhiannonstarr79
    This is my first time using MFP but not for starting over. I recently did the Omni diet program for a while and lost about 35 total lbs. but no matter how hard I tried I could not keep the weight off. I've gained over 20 of it back in 2 months. So here I am being more accountable and documenting every single calorie and exercising, doing it the right way. I would love to be of support to anyone else, please feel free to add me, the support is what will keep me going, I know!