Cheat day

I'm so mad at myself I actually want to cry. I think I went over board this cheat day I had 4 slices of papa ginos pizza, a cupcake, some cake and a lot of other thing and I've eaten over 2000 calories and only burned 200 walking. I hate having cheat days because I always feel so guilty. do you think if I workout right now and burn around 500 I won't gain weight? I'm just so scared I'm going to gain so much weight when I'm almost at my goal. What can I do to not gain a lot? How much do you think I will gain?


  • angiepangie43
    angiepangie43 Posts: 15 Member
    You will be fine. Don't worry about it. Just stick to your good eating habits and exercise routine the rest of the week. I always overdo it on my cheat days also. The point is that we are only human. It happens.
  • Barbellarella_
    Barbellarella_ Posts: 454 Member
    I think you should relax, it stresses me out just reading all that.

    It sounds like having a "cheat day" mentality does you no favor, you might want to set yourself up differently if it causes you mental anguish.

    Your TDEE is probably around 2000 calories give or take. So its probably just a maintenance day for you. Relax, its just one day, you're not gonna die or get fat overnight.
  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    Beautifulbridgittlee7 Posts: 352 Member
    Get back on track with healthy eating, lots of water, and up your workouts. I think if you can do a cheat day the right way once in a while it won't hurt, but yeah when your eating pizza, sweets, and more it can add up. It totally sucks.
  • ErnestFlipEulenfeld
    ErnestFlipEulenfeld Posts: 9 Member
    NO! Don't feel guilty! It is perfectly ok to indulge in this much if that is what you want. As long as you make it one meal a week and no more, you will be perfectly fine. Enjoy the crazy stuff, but after that, it back to the plan. I have found that many people, including myself actually see a small boost in weight loss after my cheat meal. So go ahead. Enjoy.
  • ErnestFlipEulenfeld
    ErnestFlipEulenfeld Posts: 9 Member
    Just remember, one bad meal won't make you fat, anymore than one good meal will make you skinny.
    Oh and DON'T up your work outs or cut your meal plan!! That is bad advice. Stick with what you have planned for you and return to it. And next week when cheat day comes, enjoy what ever you want again for ONE meal. Ok?
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    In addition to all the other good advice you've already received, keep in mind that there will be a slight uptick on the scale the next few days, but it will be water weight from all the carbs and the sodium in the pizza. I wouldn't even get on the scale for a good 3 days, but in case you do, don't panic. It will be water weight!

    You've done really well! Congrats on 82 lbs lost--that's amazing!
  • Thanks so much everyone! I feel a lot better reading the replies:)
  • ErnestFlipEulenfeld
    ErnestFlipEulenfeld Posts: 9 Member
    Just remember, guilt will only destroy your motivation. :frown: There are no mistakes. Only learning experiences. :happy:
  • tiggsnanny
    tiggsnanny Posts: 366 Member
    Don't worry about it, I went out for a meal in the week with friends, I ate loads :ohwell: when I got home I put it all into MFP and it was well over 2000 calories!! but I was really careful the rest of the week and i've managed to lose a pound :smile:
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    You've lost 82 pounds just eating some extra pizza does not mean the weight will all pile back on. I think even though you've done fantastic and lost the weight you've still not addressed your relationships with food. i think it may be worth looking at that.

    Congratulations on your loss that's a fantastic achievement.
  • GummyBears7779
    GummyBears7779 Posts: 35 Member
    The normal person eats more than they burn one day, then eat less than they burn the next, who cares, 2000 cals is probably what you shouldve gotten anyway
  • scode83
    scode83 Posts: 42
    If you can't cope with cheat days don't have them, have cheat meals instead - say about every few days perhaps. One meal you can indulge in. But don't stress a one off cheat day, you'll gain mainly water weight. And that drops off in crazy amounts super quick. I indulged last Sunday and weighed myself every day after and watched the weight drop off. I've shifted 2.5kg since then.
  • eslcity
    eslcity Posts: 323 Member
    Today... you had a good day.... of eating and having fun... tomorrow you will run a little further.... walk an hour longer... until you can put that day of eating and having fun way behind you...

    you had 20years of cheat days..... and you put those behind you... you can put this one behind you also.....

  • warberck
    warberck Posts: 1
    Suggestion - Plan your cheat day. First: make it a reward, not automatic. Then, only If you reach your weekly goal, you get to pick one limited size pre-planned cheat from your own list such as: Two small pieces of candy from a candy store; or one slice of pizza; or a small frozen yoghurt; or a milk shake - you get the idea. Along with this, tell a good friend your plan and have her/him go with you to keep you on track.

    DON'T do your cheating alone and let yourself say that this is cheat day so I'm going to pig out and have everything I ever wanted to eat.
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    I went to a baseball game yesterday (Cards/Dodgers - ATT Rooftop seating). Complete buffet, reserved seating, open bar. It was wonderful. Now for the next week or so, I will dial it up and get back to goal.
  • ErnestFlipEulenfeld
    ErnestFlipEulenfeld Posts: 9 Member
    Oh my gosh, the advice theses people are giving you is HORRIBLE! They say just work harder now, or cheat only on a meal every few days and eat less now. BULL ONY!!
    You worked hard and having a cheat meal once a week of ANYTHING you want and AS MUCH as you want is perfectly ok. Taking their advice is punishment. You did nothing wrong! That meal is a reward and will NOT cause you to put the weight back on. Just continue on your normal plan and see the weight continue to drop. And once a week, have that glorious meal that blows these yayhoo's minds. And be PROUD of your self for it!!!!!!!!!
  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    I don't do cheat days or cheat meals, I save a 100 or 200 cals everyday for special events on weekends or I'll have want I want but if I go over I pull a bit back each day through the week to bring myself back in for the whole week, it's a lifestyle change and I'm going to treat myself so I make it fit into my life, I don't want to see yummy things as cheating.
  • kristam4
    kristam4 Posts: 2
    I'm with a majority of the above, DO NOT FEEL BAD! This one day of extra calories is not going to delete all of your progress. If I can share with you what works for me - I indulge in a cheat MEAL once every week-10days. One meal doesn't hold the guilt and complete lack of self restraint (on my part) like and entire day can. It helps me to feel less guilty looking at the healthy decisions I had made that day, and limits my ability to pack in so many excess calories.
    Other things I agree with:
    Any added weight is likely water weight, done punish yourself if you see this.
    Cheating can boost your metabolism, so remind yourself the next time you indulge, that it may be helping you ;)
  • ErnestFlipEulenfeld
    ErnestFlipEulenfeld Posts: 9 Member
    Very good kristam4. You are exactly right. I hate that some people are telling her to up her work out or cut back her caloric intakes as some kind of punishment or something. One meal a week will NOT change a thing. So glad YOU can see that.
  • Thank you !!