Morbidly Mortified

randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
edited September 22 in Chit-Chat
Hiya folks,

So lots of us joined this website for different reasons but I'm pretty suure we can all think up an experience (or quite a few experiences) that have embarrassed us. So I want to know: What's an embarrassing moment you've had? Weight-related or not. And how did it affect you.

I'll start: I remember going to Six Flags with my fiancee and friends and family and sitting in one of the rides when 1 of the guys came over because my harness wasn't down completely. I almost immediately offered no to ride to save myself from any embarrassment but he insisted on pushing it down snugly, which he did with many loud grunts and the assistance of another worker over the course of about 45 seconds that seemed like an eternity. Meanwhile I'm already thinking up excuses in my head to tell my fiancee and friends like "oh, I was sitting too slouched over or my thighs are too muscular". But the truth was I was just too big for it. That is one of many moments that contributed to my commitment to my health and my weight.


  • ymamyma
    ymamyma Posts: 227
    I love roller coasters, but this has been the exact reason I have avoided them for years. I cannot wait to ride one again without the fear that I won't fit!
  • Hmm, I've gotten asked if I'm pregnant THREE times. Nope, just fat.
  • zippydeedo
    zippydeedo Posts: 8 Member
    I am embarrassed every time I go to class because we have stadium seating with those desks that come up and sit right in front of you. Well, technically mine comes up and sits on my tummy. I have to nonchalantly push it down so my pen doesn't roll off the desk. So there I am with a roll holding it in place while I lean over to hide it. But not next semester!!
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    been there. now i just walk around the park and eat the food. I miss roller coasters and fun rides, so i made a promise with my man that once i lost the weight we'd go to one of those awesome parks to celebrate.

    It's like being trapped in prison, but it is always with you. Keeps you from the life you want and should have.
  • Seeing myself in pictures - particularly from the side - makes me cringe every time.

    one time years ago (before kids) I went on the bobsleds ride at disneyland w/ a male friend of mine. he insisted on sitting in the same sled, with me between his legs. problem was, i couldn't fit with his legs there. I said I'd just ride in the one ahead of him and he persisted - saying we'd fit no problem. umm....yeah. i managed to squeeze my *kitten* (hips, etc) in but that ride was so uncomfortable I was in actual pain. I couldn't wait for it to be over.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    My butt got stuck in the seat at the movie theater once! I didn't think it was that big :( Luckily it was just a little help from a friend to pull me free and not needing to call anyone else to help me, but still, was pretty embarrassing.
  • Hmm... I had problems with those desk-chairs too, zippydeedo. There was time I had to write with my notebook on my lap, a teacher tried to be nice and let me stay by his desk but that was even more embarrassing.
    Once, one of those plastic chairs broke it's legs while I was seated on it... on a beach party. :embarassed:
  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    I had the exact same Thing happen to me :( I was finally asked to leave the ride and of course I had to go back the way I came, so I had to walk by everybody that watched the whole thing. Since then it was like the reality of my weight hit me in the face! I mean I knew I was overweight, but not THAT big. Unfortunatly, since then, in every thing I do I think about my weight. Will the chair hold me? Will I fit? Will I be embarrassed? And so lately I just dont do anything. But thats why Im here- is to fix this. We can do this!! And I WILL do this!!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    After my second kid I finally gained enough weight where people started asking me if I was expecting a third. That made me buckle down. That and I had gained enough weight where it was noticeable in pictures. I suddenly hated to be in pictures or videos with my girls and wanted that to change.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I went to college and then lived and worked on the east coast for almost six years. I haven't been back in almost four. I am too embarrassed to go back until I get in better shape. I hate seeing people who haven't seen me in awhile because I'm afraid they look at me and think, "whoa, she gained weight!" My long-term goal is to visit my friends in NYC next Christmas and not feel embarrassed about my weight. That gives me something to look forward to and work towards.
  • I haven't had one of these experiences because i am sooo careful and constantly thinking about what to do/not to do.

    If i go shopping with my slim girl friends i'm careful not to show too much interest in stores i know it will be dificult to carry my size. I'm lucky that i don't have seating troubles.

    When i went to a theme park with my bf this year he had the same experience as you. We were sat in a rollercoaster, the kind where it goes upside down so has a harness. Well he couldn't get it clipped in and i thought we'd just get up and go, but no.

    The skinny guy working there practically sat on him, was all over him, in his face and the girl was behind pushing down. Yes he is a large guy, but he is also quite well built so i think it was actually the broadness of his shoulders rather than his stomach.

    Not only was this embarrassing but it was uncomfortable.

    He was mortified, but covered it well. I have to admit that i giggled, but out of shock as how insanely persistant they were. It would have been easier to leave.

    We were also asked to switch to the larger seats they have in row 3 and 4 on a different coaster.

    This was awful. I know i feel horrible about my weight, but when it came to him...i felt worse. Not because of his size (XL/XXL UK) but because it hurt him.

    Even worse, we'd mentioned the last time we went how embarrassing it must be to be asked to move :frown:
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