
harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
So I have only lost .2 pounds since the begining of the week. IDK whats going on maybe its the fact that Im so under in calories this week. This is the first week it has happened to me. I have tried eating more but Im just not hungry. Im just annoyed and want to say whats the point if I cant even lose a pound in a week?! Any ideas or helpful hints I dont want to quit with 30 more lbs to go. I made it half way I want to get to the rest


  • I know exactly how you feel. I'm not losing anything even though I am staying right at or under my calorie goal everyday. I just don't get it either. It's very frustrating and makes you want to give up. So if you receive any helpful hints or tips, please let me know because I am in the same boat as you. Best of luck!
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 320 Member
    Please don't get frustrated.....I did feel the same way about a week ago.....I had lost about 6 lbs. (in three weeks) and then hit a plateau. I was there for 6 weeks!!!!!!!!!!! Every morning, I would think "Today's the day! I'm gonna be down today...." and every day I was within .4 lbs. of the same weight!

    Then, out of nowhere, my weight started to drop again! I dropped 3.8 lbs. this week (was back up a bit today)! Weight loss is a strange thing. I think sometimes our bodies have to catch up to the changes we're making. Maybe I was (and maybe you are) building muscle during the plateau? Maybe my body (and yours) was just setting a new "normal" weight?

    Hope this helps.....Please don't give up....It'll be worth it!
  • cef957
    cef957 Posts: 86 Member
    I am so frustrated also!!!! I was going along at a good clip and then for the past three weeks it has been creeping down (which is good - but not at the same rate). I have lost most of my motivation! I am not sure if it is the holidays or what.....I will just keep plugging along......just know that there are some of us out there with you!!!!
  • Cindyjo24
    Cindyjo24 Posts: 4 Member
    We just have to start over today. I too am frustrated with myself, but getting down only makes me eat more. Let's all go outside and get some exercise and start feeling better about TOMORROW - a new start.
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    it is really important not to quit! remind yourself of all the hard work you've done to this point. realize that if you weren't taking action to make yourself healthier you would probably be drifting (aimlessly) in the other direction. remember that this is a life style change. get excited about doing a new thing! challenge yourself to some time away from the scale to remember that making you are making your body healthy and that is AWESOME! Stressing over the scale every day or several times a day can really spaz your body out (stress produces cortisol which I think makes your body hold onto calories).

    I have to tell myself this all the time, lol. Cindy is totally right. everyday is a new day, and what will we choose to do with it?

    My reality check is thinking... if I give up now.. I'll be back here, heavier, wanting to loose the weight eventually. Giving up only gives temporary relief, but what follows is often more lbs. Inevitably soon after I've given up I'll want that weight to be off and have to start all over again or from a heavier weight. I don't want that!!!
  • harleygirl6363
    harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
    Thank you everyone for the words of advice they are really motivating me to stay strong in my fight to lose weight. I WILL AND CAN DO THIS IVE GOT THIS BABY!!!
  • I can relate for sure... yesterday I found myself chowing down on a snickers bar and Mt Dew.... then I felt like I had already blown it for the day so I might as well get a dinner I hadn't had inforever and ended up eating a Nacho Bell Grande with ANOTHER Mt. Dew... at least it was a small lol! It's so frustrating to get off track... but I just have to not beat myself up and get up today ready to go.... I hope lol!
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    I had a beautiful baby boy 4 months ago. Six weeks ago I decided to start losing the weight. At my post pardum check up I weighed 193 and got on the depo shot, which I have been on before and never had the side effects. So I have been working our 6 days a week and keeping my calories down and I had managed to gain 15 pounds. Last Wednesday I went back to the doc and got off the shot and started loestrin 24. I weighed myself today and gained another 2.2 pounds. I am literally crying as I am writing this. I just don't understand I work so hard to see nothing. I can tell that some things have gotten smaller but on the BMI scale I am now considered OBESE!!! I have NEVER been over 200 pounds! I weigh more now then I did when I was pregnant. I am losing faith and hope because I dont see results! HELP!
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