Newbie getting started with 30DS


I joined MFP in January (i think) was good at recording my food for a month or two, lost 1stone and then went back to my old ways :mad:

I am now back and determined to lose this excess baby weight, I have about 4 stone to lose in total, and I am starting tonight with 30DS, determined to do the full 30 days.

Any positive stories welcome :smile:


  • NicolaMichelle93
    NicolaMichelle93 Posts: 685 Member
    The 30DS is awesome. I'm mid-way through level two at the moment and it feels good!
    I sent you a friend request- if you ever need any motivation I'm here! Best of luck losing your weight :)
  • CarriesCalories
    CarriesCalories Posts: 18 Member
    That's great thanks, I need all the motivation I can get :)