..for women only... (Men...No PEEKING)



  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    I am in the same boat as you. I just started on MFP and I know that my monthly will be just one of the many bumps on this journey. I usually crave dark chocolate, ice cream and french fries. I will be on the search for healthier alternatives and let you know if I find a healthy way to get sate my cravings.

    Go with 70% dark chocolate, fat free whipped yogurt (taste and texture of ice cream) and BAKE the french fries. I put garlic powder on mine...tastes great without the sodium.

    I never thought about my body actually NEEDING the extra calories...I wondered why I always want to eat more. :laugh:
  • Lugenna
    Awesome words of wisdom. I need to totally revamp my eating altogether. I have to admit, I still fall weak to things around the house foe my daughter. Revamping, rededicating and redirecting is what I will do!!! And I will also have that healthy stash for those crazyyyyyyy cravings!
  • sarahwright01
    sarahwright01 Posts: 229 Member
    Hey girl,

    I know what you are going through! My advice to you is BE PREPARED! So, if you cave in to chocolate, get some of those dove squares of dark chocoalte and stick them in your freezer. Because they are frozen, they take a while to melt in your mouth, and you won't be chomping down on them because it will hurt your teeth. Give yourself an allowance of those, like say 1 chocolate every 2 hours. If you crave breads, that is fine, count them as your calories. Drink a ton of water, and get yourself some pamprin, or mydol. Seriously, it really does help everythign feel better, and i think if you felt better you wouldn't be craving those things.
    Buy things that "taste" like the high calorie, high carb stuff but arent'. Like 100 calorie packs of popcorn to curb the chip munchies, and chocolate muscle milk to curb the sweets craving.

    Ok, so here is the thing, I set my mind to be EXTRA Vigilent when TOM is here, and most months I will actually lose .5 to 1 whole pound during that week!!!! Which makes you feel better. I won't always make it to the gym, sometimes i physically can't because the flow is too heavy, and there is no way I am going to risk it jumping around in aerobics. So, i will sit at home on my exercise ball and do some yoga, or do some stretching, maybe go for a 15 minute walk.

    Also, i agree with those people who said to purge your house of everything bad for you the week before you start. Purge your house of bad stuff anyway, because then you just won't be tempted. Hang in there, you CAN do this.