diagnose my broken treadmill

I have a livestrong treadmill, purchased about a year and a half ago.
We haven't been too good about lubricating the belt. It was complicated and hard, and we didn't really know what we were doing.
It was attempted twice in that time.
About a month ago, we tried to use the treadmill, but although it turned on, it gave an error. The belt wouldn't go.
We powered off completely and back on (unplugged and replugged) and it worked.
Tried it this morning, and even unplugging and replugging doesn't make the belt go. The timer goes briefly until it errors out after a few seconds.
I don't hear the motor engaging at all.
What part of it do you think broke? Computer, motor, belt, or something else? Could it be bad power? I tried adding surge protector. The same outlet is able to provide enough amps for an air conditioner.


  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Have you tried leaving it unplugged overnight or even for a few days?

    My treadmill (ProForm) failed to run and the control panel wasn't responding. I looked up all sorts of possible solutions. One of them even suggested using a blow dryer on the control panel. Oddly enough this worked ! Well, it worked twice :sad: I dismantled the treadmill looking for something obvious like a burnt out board. Having no luck I put it back together and left it alone.

    Eventually I started checking craigslist to buy a replacement. After a couple weeks a found a decent one and brought it home. I decided to haul the big dead treadmill to the curb. On a whim I plugged it back in, the control panel lit up like a christmas tree. I started the belt and tested it out. It worked like a champ. It continues to work well, I ended up giving the other treadmill to my daughter.

    Just a guess, but in hindsight I think leaving it unplugged for a few weeks forced it to drain the capacitors. This forced the controller board to completely reboot. I honestly don't know why it started working again. I'm happy it's working. + 8 years.

    You could try the treadmill doctor to see if they had a clue. http://www.treadmilldoctor.com/
  • doctorregenerated
    doctorregenerated Posts: 188 Member
    Thanks for the reply! I will try leaving it unplugged for a while and definitely check out that site.
    Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    If you still can't get it to go, head over to http://www.treadmilldoctor.com/ - they got me a good diagnosis for mine, I ordered and replaced the parts myself. Couldn't be easier.