Runners out there

I run six times a week, also with added strength training. Currently I am 145 pounds and eat pretty healthy. Usually around 1500 - 1700. When I want something sweet besides fruit I would have just a bit of dark chocolate. Just not every day or anything, just moderation.

My family keeps telling me I have a fast metabolism anymore. But I know I have an average one, not too slow but not too fast. I can't just eat whatever the hell I want. It bugs me when they say that. Like, okay is this your metabolism? No its not so you don't really no so shut it.

Seriously why do they just assume its fast anymore?


  • isthisolivia
    isthisolivia Posts: 37 Member
    Sounds like you're just doing the good ol' proper Calories In, Calories Out. I don't know why they think it's "fast metabolism". Do they also exercise? Food is fuel when you are a runner; it's not about metabolism. Yes, you're metabolism is healthier but it's because you're exercising. You can eat more because you're burning more, simple as that.
  • Thank you, exactly what I am trying to tell them. Well good point also, they really don't exercise. So how would they know?
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    I run six times a week, also with added strength training. Currently I am 145 pounds and eat pretty healthy. Usually around 1500 - 1700. When I want something sweet besides fruit I would have just a bit of dark chocolate. Just not every day or anything, just moderation.

    My family keeps telling me I have a fast metabolism anymore. But I know I have an average one, not too slow but not too fast. I can't just eat whatever the hell I want. It bugs me when they say that. Like, okay is this your metabolism? No its not so you don't really no so shut it.

    Seriously why do they just assume its fast anymore?
    You are young.
    Older people always say that to younger people who are fit. They dont always know what it takes to stay at that level of fitness.

    Seriously, if that is something that bothers you then I would expect to maybe get a thicker skin.Next time they say something just splurt out how many miles you ran that day, or week or month.

    Some older people I know would tell me "wiat till your metabolism slows down" and I would just bark back, "no, I can eat this because of the 19 miles I ran this week so far!
  • isthisolivia
    isthisolivia Posts: 37 Member
    And some runners will tell you that they run so they can eat what they want. The Oatmeal has a hilarious piece about running. He runs so he can eat whatever the hell he wants. I can't wait for his running book:

    I hate calorie restriction, feel like i'm going to pass out from being tired by doing that. and i love my buffalo burgers and my fish tacos. So i run. and THAT'S my reward.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    if you're doign all that exercise and genuinely eating that little, I'd wager you actually have a slow metabolism.

    (I suspect you're eating more than you think, TBH)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Ummmm..... I'm having difficulty understanding the question.

    Is there one?