Off To A Bad Start

Results of my first day:

" - 256
Calories Remaining"

Need to be doing far better than this. Really feeling down, some words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.

I guess tomorrow is another day. An opportunity to make up for this deficit.



  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    Yes, tomorrow IS a new day! I have 260 lbs to lose, Ive lost 70 so far and it's taken me awhile to lose it. Everyone slips up. Just remember that slow progress is still progress and better than giving up.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    What is your daily deficit? What is your daily intake goal? How much are you trying to lose per week and in total?
  • donald149
    donald149 Posts: 211 Member
    One bad meal doesn't equal a bad week... Make sure your calorie intake level is high enough to be realistic.
  • Khorner84
    Khorner84 Posts: 55 Member
    I really like this quote by Jillian michaels "You messed up your diet and you didn't exercise today - So what? You didn't ruin anything. Get back on track tomorrow. If you have one flat tire, do you slash the other three? Of course not."

    It's your first day! Don't be so hard on yourself. It is a big adjustment and lifestyle change. Take what you learned today and apply it to tomorrow! ;)

    You can do it!!
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    I don' t know what your deficit is set at, but I'm betting going over by 256 isn't going to completely erase it. Plus, you get the opportunity to start again tomorrow. Try not to look at it as a failure. You're just starting, so all of this is new and you're still getting used to it.

    I've had days where I've gone over by 1000+ calories. The journey isn't going to be perfect, but keep choosing to take the next step, and eventually you'll get there. :flowerforyou:
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278 Member
    You can get some of those calories back if you get out there and take a nice brisk walk :D Good luck. Give yourself a break. Try and be more mindful from this moment on :D
  • ArgyleWerewolf
    ArgyleWerewolf Posts: 20 Member
    I have days like that, and rather than beating myself up, I resolve to "do the next right thing", which works for me because it's a resolution to *act* (eating better the next day, extra exercise the next morning, etc.) instead of an excuse to feel bad. Just do your best!
  • rheakce
    rheakce Posts: 2
    Today is my first day too! I'm over 120. Go work out! Burn it up!!! That way we can break even!!!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I am going to take a guess and assume you put in that you want to lose 2lbs per week. That is a 1000 calorie/day deficit that MFP will have put into your calorie target. If that is the case, even with going over for the day, you are still in a deficit, which means you are still set to lose weight this week.

    Do not be so hard on yourself. You are learning a whole set of new skills for your life. You are doing just fine.

    ETA: even if you put in that you want to lose 0.5lb/week, you are only really 6 calories over your maintenance. Drop in the bucket.
  • loriebahde
    loriebahde Posts: 30 Member
    i started off really slow. i started by learning about my body and what works for me. i know that if i over eat i will be sad so i walk longer or work harder so that i have plenty of calories to eat. i have never been very big but i have felt sloppy and bumpy sense i had my little girl. don't take it hard. tomorrow is another day. i think the big thing is to do more and more learning about how to take care of you body and it will slowly all come together. you did not become over weight over night so it is a slow process. the only way to lose it is to become well informed on proper nutrition and what works best for you and what keeps you going. you got this. you have already made the chioce to come this far keep going. log every thing and you will soon see that you are eating less.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I doubt that anybody hit the mark on their first day. It's a new thing. You aren't used to it, you haven't yet learned how to put foods and meals together to add up to the results you want. It takes practice. It's a lot of trial and error the first few weeks. Don't sweat it. You don't have to do it perfectly every day. What you have to do is see where things went off course and learn from it. What you have to do is practice getting it 'right' 80% of the time. What you have to do is allow mistakes and not feel bad about them.
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    I pre plan my day....I start in the am with breakfast. Then I think of what else I will eat..I play with what I will eat on my log to fit my calories for the day.
    I may add this or take away that til I come under my calories....then I decide on my exercise. That will put me in a deficit. I will add you as a friend and you can look at my diary. I am not perfect but I don't usually go over my limit. I exercise just about every day.

    Pre planning food and exercise keeps me accountable.
  • RKD63
    RKD63 Posts: 14
    My first day too! I have been doing so well on my own, not been too well today and ended up eating over. Just read some comments below and quite like the one about not slashing the other 3 tyres. ;) Let's both get back on track tomorrow.
  • LanaeCarol
    LanaeCarol Posts: 158 Member
    You can always look at it as a week's total. You went over by a bit today so divide that up over the next 3-5 days and try to eat that much under for those days. In effect, over the course of the week your average will be what your calorie goal is set at. No Problem!!!

    As you get a larger friend list, populated with people who will tell it to you realistically yet be encouraging, your friends will provide the words of motivation that you need. I am a bit older than you (48) and am more interested in having a healthy body rather than worrying about how quickly I get there, but if you are interested in me as a friend I would love to try to help you achieve your goals.
  • twinklemcgee
    twinklemcgee Posts: 32 Member
    There is no such thing as a bad start. You started, and that's the main thing. Keep at it and you'll get into the swing of things... and don't let one bad day get you down - they happen to all of us! Good luck!
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    at least you didn't go over. this is a leaning process with lots of trial and error. give yourself a break. just keep doing it and look at your day and see how you could have added more calories. it will be okay