P90X stories

Ok, so I've made up my Christmas list for my husband, and # 3 on it is P90X. He said to me..." Nella, you shouldn't buy unsafe drugs to lose weight.." ...silly man.. I had to explain to him that its a 90 day fitness program DVD. I told him I want to look like Jillian Michaels. He didn't know who she was. (He must live under a rock!)

Anyways, so I REALLY want to do this, and hopefully Santa will leave it under my tree. :) I was wondering to any of you out there who have done it, or know someone who has done it, what are your success stories with it? Or not so successful?


  • xxthursday09xx
    xxthursday09xx Posts: 85 Member
    I know a few people that have tried it and they all say they got GREAT results! I just bought it, so I will let everyone know how it goes :)
  • melliebee
    melliebee Posts: 187 Member
    My mom is doing it right now and she is getting more ripped than I am!!!! She really loves it and looks INCREDIBLE!!! I personally prefer Turbo Jam.. All beachbody products are amazing really..
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Have done P90X and Insanity. They are both great programs. I like P90X for the use of weights and other things. Insanity is a great cardio challange. You would probably like P90X

    Hope this Helps :-)
  • Memah
    Memah Posts: 129
    Yeah, I know someone, too, who used it, and with great results.

    I might be tempted to get it, but I think I might not be able to do all the exercises, or even most. Could anyone help me with this? Right now I weigh 159. GW is 140. I've lost 19.5.

    I did join a gym, and am wondering whether that would be easier and just as effective. I'll appreciate any comments. Thanks.
  • nellajane24
    nellajane24 Posts: 108 Member
    Have done P90X and Insanity. They are both great programs. I like P90X for the use of weights and other things. Insanity is a great cardio challange. You would probably like P90X

    Hope this Helps :-)

    Thanks! Right now I do MOSTLY cardio, and a little strength training. I really want to keep up with my intense cardio, but I need to do some strength training to become how I want to look. How long is a typical p90x workout?
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Yeah, I know someone, too, who used it, and with great results.

    I might be tempted to get it, but I think I might not be able to do all the exercises, or even most. Could anyone help me with this? Right now I weigh 159. GW is 140. I've lost 19.5.

    I did join a gym, and am wondering whether that would be easier and just as effective. I'll appreciate any comments. Thanks.

    P90X is great, and it incorporates cardio with weight training, so you will have awesome results. It is hard, and their are alot of the routines, you won't be able to do in the beginning, but it gets easier over time.

    Do you do weights at the gym?...and if you do, do you use the machines, or the actual free weights. The machines do give results, but the free weights are harder and more effective.

  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    I did 2 rounds of P90X classic and I'm starting my 4th week of P90X Plus tomorrow. I love it because I've been lifting weights for 10 years or so, and just grew really tired of the gym "life". Not to mention the thought that had to go into being successful at the gym. Am I working out enough? Is it too much? Is my nutrition right? If you follow the P90X program and do what they tell you to do, you will succeed. That's really the amazing part of it. It's nothing magical no super secret stuff that only trainers know. It's just good old fashioned sweat inducing strength, cardio, and nutrition mixed to the perfect formula. All you have to do is pop the DVD in, push play, and do what they tell you to do.

    I cancelled my $80 a month gym membership six months ago and have never looked back. I don't miss, and I'll never go back. P90X has showed me a whole to way to workout and enjoy it too. Even if you don't do it exactly as the program dictates once you complete the program, it gives you a model for success that will carry over into whatever other workout adventures you go on. Good luck!!

    Bye the way, I was over 230 pounds Jan 1st, 2010, probably close to 245. As of this morning I'm 205. I lost 9 inches around my waist total. I'm also preparing for a 10k race in April. I ran for about 10 years from my early 20s to early 30s but gave up due to back pain and knee issues. However, P90X has me so super fit and has given me so much confidence that I realized that I actually still can run and not kill myself.
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member

    I might be tempted to get it, but I think I might not be able to do all the exercises, or even most. Could anyone help me with this?

    Look, Tony says during the workouts all the time, "do your best and forget the rest". This notion that P90X is too hard for anyone is not in the least bit accurate. You do what YOU can do, not what the super crazy fit people on the DVD can do. Tony will also point out that a lot of the people on the DVD could not complete an entire workout their first time either. So what. Keep pushing play and you will. For some people it might be P180X or P360X or PLifetimeX, whatever, it's doable by pretty much anyone. One of the guys on the Plyometrics DVD has a prosthetic leg.
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    The workouts are about an hour (1:15 min if you do the ab workout every other day or so), yoga being an hour and a half. The workouts are hard at first and you may not be able to keep up right away, but do as best you can. There are always modifications to suit your abilities. ANYONE can do it, just keep moving and stick to the eating guide for best results. The calorie intake will seem high from what you are used to from here, but just do what it says and see how much you love it! It is an amazing program.
    Have done P90X and Insanity. They are both great programs. I like P90X for the use of weights and other things. Insanity is a great cardio challange. You would probably like P90X

    Hope this Helps :-)

    Thanks! Right now I do MOSTLY cardio, and a little strength training. I really want to keep up with my intense cardio, but I need to do some strength training to become how I want to look. How long is a typical p90x workout?
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I just ordered P90X and plan to start on December 1. DH has a weight assessment body profile scale, I'm going to jump on it Dec 1 - and then in 90 days to see where I'm at with my body fat %. I run frequently now and do strength training with a kettlebell. I wanted something for winter to help my running this spring. I'm so curious to know if the "hype" is real. My 11 yo will be doing it with me as well as he wants to train for his first 1/2 marathon this spring and it's snowing so I suspect a cold winter :)
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    After YEARS of trying to lose weight by killing myself with Cardio, I was ready to just give it all up and be fat for the rest of my life. My cousin told me about P90X...I thought there was no way I could do it, but I bought it anyhow. My husband said I had just wasted $130, but I decided to give it a try.

    I followed the "Lean" version my first round, only because I know that day #1 of the classic rotation was nothing but push ups and pull ups. I couldn't do a single push up on my toes, so I knew I'd get discouraged if I tried that rotation. I pushed play every day for 90 days, set up my MFP diaries with the recommended percentages for carbs/fats/proteins, and logged my food every day. At the end of 90 days, I'd lost 20 pounds. I did another round, and lost 9 more...did another round and lost another 3. It is seriously the first program that truly made sense to me with regards to losing weight. I've found that the true key for me and weight loss/weight management is lifting heavy weights 3 days/week and supplementing that with cardio.

    It's been about 20 months since I pushed play that first day...I've done other programs since (Insanity, ChaLean Extreme and Turbo Fire), but I'm still committed to pushing play and eating as well as possible every day without getting too uptight about it all.

    I don't know what it was about Tony Horton...but I found his cheesy jokes and his 'on air' personality motivating. Others find him annoying. In person, he's simply the most motivational person I know.

    The key with P90X is that you can't allow others to keep you from being successful. It is a time commitment, and I've run into many P90Xers whose significant others have resented their success with the program. It's mainly because that 60-90 minutes takes away time from them and the fact that the kitchen gets totally revamped. My husband was really good about giving me the time I needed to workout, but the kitchen aspect is an area where we both don't agree 100%. I call my husband, "Mr. Little Debbie," because he literally survives on fast food and Swiss Cake Rolls. At 6'4" and 175 pounds, he definitely doesn't have a weight issue, but I am concerned about the fact that he doesn't fuel his body (he's a professional caddy). Still, I buy what I will eat, and he can either eat it, or he's on his own. I'm not about to start filling myself with sugar and bad fats because he doesn't like the salmon and broccoli on his plate.

    My day #1 pictures are posted in my profile...it would be the April 2009 picture and should be easy to find as it looks as though I have an inner tube around my middle! : )
  • xxthursday09xx
    xxthursday09xx Posts: 85 Member

    I might be tempted to get it, but I think I might not be able to do all the exercises, or even most. Could anyone help me with this?

    Look, Tony says during the workouts all the time, "do your best and forget the rest". This notion that P90X is too hard for anyone is not in the least bit accurate. You do what YOU can do, not what the super crazy fit people on the DVD can do. Tony will also point out that a lot of the people on the DVD could not complete an entire workout their first time either. So what. Keep pushing play and you will. For some people it might be P180X or P360X or PLifetimeX, whatever, it's doable by pretty much anyone. One of the guys on the Plyometrics DVD has a prosthetic leg.

    Exactly! I've done a disc before and the whole time he states multiple times "take a break if you need it". That is the only workout program that I have seen that says that. The others are all "come on!! push through!! 1 more rep!". Which sucks because then you end up hurting yourself or burning out.