I can't eat at other people's houses!

Sheesh, no matter how hard I try to eat small amounts, the calories between food and wine that I consume at friends' houses - or mine when we entertain - is like 1,000 or more for dinner! I feel like I need a month of no entertaining or being entertained. Just in time for the holidays!


  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    I take my own things and never show up hungry :o)
  • cmsdives
    I SOOOOO hear you Meghan, and I'm RIGHT there with you!!! Not only entertaining, but I scrapbook and going to crops is dangerous. Take yesterday for example, I honestly didn't even log or sign in because I just couldn't face the reality of the amount of calories I consumed yesterday. :sad: I wish I had words of wisdom for you, but I don't (I need some myself so if you find some send them my way would you? :ohwell: ). All I can say is "Hang in there" and I'll be sending you positive energy/strength to get through all the entertaining on the horizon.

  • angiemcgovern
    angiemcgovern Posts: 64 Member
    I know exactly what you mean! We had people over Friday night and I ate and drank way more than I had intended. But, it was fun! I was talking to my husband about it and he had a good point, we are changing our lifestyle, not dieting, so if we trip up once in a while it's okay as long as we don't go back to that behavior being the rule and not the exception.
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    Try to find some foods that will fill you up to eat before you go. For me it's an apple and cottage cheese. I eat that before we leave, then when we get there, I'm not all that hungry and won't over do it. I can't go somewhere hungry or I go crazy! I also offer to bring skinny margaritas.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Be thankful you have people to spend time with! I have no such being fed or entertaining "problem" :) But, just lay off the appetizers, I am sure there is food set out to munch while you wait? and how many glasses of wine do you need? Even if you rotate in a super big glass of water every other glass it will cut your wine calories by more than 1/2. And, I assume you know which dates these are pretty far in advance - get a great workout in that morning or afternoon or even the evening before or next morning (but count if for the dinner day, that's OK). And maybe on these days you shoot for a maintenance goal rather than a deficit?
  • meghan1966
    definitely thankful for friends as like you, have no family here. sometimes events are planned, other times it's spur of the moment. yesterday, i knew bout the dinner and nailed it at the gym, but... yeah, i can do the water in between glasses of wine and that would help w/the calories.
  • meghan1966
    Hey, shoulda got to this sooner - would you share your recipe for skinny margaritas?
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi! I find if I at least know I'm going to someone's house that evening I stockpile calories for the end of the day. I eat light all day and exercise even more (maybe to burn 500 calories) so that I have at least 1000 to work with later. It's hard, but you should be having fun when with friends and try not to obsess too much.

    When at a friends house or if I entertain, I find cheese and crackers hard to resist typically but have found tracking the calories after the fact kind of liberating. When you guesstimate what you actually are eating, I find it's not as bad as I think. Or, if it's really over, you can learn and say--oh, crackers and some cheese are ok but I'm going to lay off the bread, and tortilla chips, and stick to wine. And eat the main dinner but maybe just a little dessert.

    With a little practice, you'll figure out what works for you. Good luck!