Questions about metabolic slowdown

Hi folks! I wanted to ask if it's normal to experience a noticeable metabolic slowdown in one's mid-30s?? Is this something some of you have gone through?

The reason I ask is that I feel that I eat much healthier, and smaller portions, than I used to, and I exercise on a daily basis (18,000 steps per day plus 3 boot camp classes per week and the occasional jog) but if anything my weight is pretty stable or even goes up(!?) I do however look more toned and my waist has shrunk a bit. So essentially my body composition changes, but I am unable to lose the 20-25 pounds I would like to in order to get back to where I was in my 20s.

I know many of you might suggest that I track my calories, but because I used to have an eating disorder I prefer not to do so because I feel like it makes me compulsive and pushes me to binge. I would much rather learn good habits and focus on learning getting in better touch with my appetite, not eating when bored or not truly hungry. In other words, intuitive eating versus calorie counting. However, I'm just finding that intuitive eating USED to keep me thin and now it's not working as well. Wondering if any of you have thoughts on this...or on metabolic challenges for women.

Thanks in advance, especially if you can share tips on how to cut calories without counting cals! Maybe I am going about this all wrong, but I have never found counting calories to work for me in the past, since I just obsess and end up bingeing and eating MORE at the end of the day. It certainly hasn't been easy but I guess that's why it's called a weight loss journey :)