Pretty New trying to see how you have done this!

nicailyzee Posts: 183 Member
Hello everyone on MFP. I must first say that I love this site. I have jumped in on a few posts and so far I have about 6 friends. I am wondering if the more the merrier or is it better to stick with a few. I am inspired by the people I have befriended so far and am encouraged to find more. I have lost about 20lbs since March but I have had a lot of ups and downs. I am a mom and sometimes I think the junk is calling my name. I have read some real inspirational stuff on here and would like to know more about other people and the way they have done this because every journey is unique. Thanks guys!


  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    When I see someone new I always send this link.

    There is everythinh in there to get you off on the rignt foot.

    Good luck on your journey to having sexy pants.
  • nicailyzee
    nicailyzee Posts: 183 Member
    Thanks for the link. I read it it is great!
  • I am newer to this and find it wonderful for inspiration! I also love to inspire! please feel free to add me if you like! I will do my best to help encourage you on your journey!
  • trishalackin
    trishalackin Posts: 54 Member
    Hi! I started this losing in Sept. 2012, but I didn't serious about getting healthy until June. In total I have lost 70lbs and I still have 60 to go. For me the hardest part has been feeling alone in the journey (this website is awesome for support and motivation - I say the more friends the merrier!). Feeling like you`'re going at it alone makes it too easy to make excuses to skip exercise and eat poorly. In the past year I have learned SO much about nutrition and healthy living. I still need ore education about weight loss though- I still feel kind of lost when it comes to what types of exercise are best for me.

    I have lost the bulk of my weight with moderate exercise and eating a healthy balanced diet. Eating several small meals in the day (versus 3 larger ones ) helps keep me full and keeps my energy levels up so it works better for me. Now that I am half way through my journey, I am focusing more on building muscle and getting stronger. Setting small goals and keeping up with personal challenges keeps me motivated!

    However you lose, make sure it is something you can stick with and make it fun! :)