new at YMCA cardio questions

I joined the YMCA almost 3 weeks ago. I have started doing the pre or amt machine from 3min-1hr and it Says I burn anywhere from 300-600 calories. I also go to zumba later in the day. I haven't lost a single pound yet... I get discouraged really easy but I'm going to keep it up this time. My ultimate goal is to lose 50-60lbs. I worked on my eating for a year before I started exercise and I've lost 16lbs so far. Can I lose that much just by doing precor amt and zumba? I know I should do some weights, but can I wait until I'm halfway to my full goal and start then? I also have a c section pouch, will that ever get flat with just cardio and eventually the 123 strive smart strength??
Thank you in advance!