Protien bars

So I know I've asked prob too many times, but I'm still doing something wrong. I stay within my calorie deflect, but I'm no where near my protien goal of 70. Today I actually had the lowest 13. I try to add a lot of protien thru out the day, but I just don't make it, and usually I go over my fat and sugar. I'm so disappointment as I have asked for help many times, had very good replies, but it's not sticking with me and I must be doing something wrong. I'd love to see a full day of nutrition from anyone. I might just catch on.

Also going to try the quest bars as soon as the get here, is it ok to use them as a meal replacement daily.

SORRY, YA'll must be sick and tired of hearing my nutrients problem.


  • Booda101
    Booda101 Posts: 161 Member
    There are lots of ways to get protein: lean meats, fish, eggs, greek yogurt, etc. In addition to protein bars (of which Quest are very tasty), you might also consider whey protein powder.

    Protein powder can be added to water, milk, almond milk or yogurt. And they typically have 20 grams per scoop. Throw in some fruit and you have a delicious protein drink/shake.
  • LiveLoveLift67
    LiveLoveLift67 Posts: 895 Member
    Protein bars are a good source of Protein providing you get a decent bar. Quest is a good choice. They arent enough calories for a meal replacement.

    You can get additional protein with : eggs.. yougurt, cottage cheese, lean meats, peanut butter, nuts and protein powders.

    I would also reccomend you start eating more than 1000 calories a day. You need more food than that.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Well for one thing, you need to eat more, :sick: !!! That's one of the reason your not hitting your proteins.

    Read this:
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Look at any day of mine .
  • DellaWiedel
    DellaWiedel Posts: 125 Member
    Well for one thing, you need to eat more, :sick: !!! That's one of the reason your not hitting your proteins.

    Read this:

    ^^^This. Your calories are super low. You're not going to be able to get much protein on those calories, unless you eat nothing but protein. Try upping your calories, at least to 1200 if not more.

    Some foods with lots of protein are Greek yogurt and chicken breasts, I eat those pretty often myself.
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    When you have a small calorie allowance, you have to make sure everything you eat is very nutrient dense. You really cannot spend 25% of your calories on ice cream and candy and expect to meet all your macros or all the micros you need. Not sure why you're only allowing yourself only 1000 calories a day, but I would suggest you increase to at least 1200.

    My diary is open. I eat 1900 calories a day, with 35% from protein. Feel free to take a look. It's really not that difficult to get enough protein, and I eat more than many on this site because of my age and lifting heavy, but it does take some planning. If you up your calories a little, and plan your eating to prioritize your protein and other important nutrients, you may be able to still fit some treats in without going over your calories.

    Good luck!
  • ecphillips1286
    ecphillips1286 Posts: 331 Member
    In my opinion protein bars are great as well as some whey protein shakes. Many different flavored out there so they can be added to many different liquids including water, juice, milk, iced fruit smoothies and so on. Starbucks even has a whey protein shake that is high in pottasium and protein. I eat lean meats very often as well as eggs and milk on top of about 4 scoops of whey throughout the day. I thought I had trouble hitting my goal with protein intake which is about 240g. You can get your goal of 70 very easy with a scoop of whey in water and then your regular food. Good luck
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    You could switch your yogurt to Greek yogurt, it has a lot more protein than regular, and comes in lots of flavors. Also, after having a look at your diary, it seems you need to eat more food in general. For example, today for lunch you had 1 tbs of mayonnaise? Probably would have been better to spread that on a turkey sandwich or in some tuna:) Adding some beans, lentils, quinoa, lean meats, cottage cheese, and eggs to your diet wouldn't hurt either. A cheap protein bar I like is pure protein in chocolate deluxe flavor. My other favorite is Quest double chocolate, but they are expensive. Other ideas are meal replacement bars with at least 10g protein, Kay's natural's snacks have 12g protein, and Starbucks double shot+energy (in a can) has 12g protein.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    So I know I've asked prob too many times, but I'm still doing something wrong. I stay within my calorie deflect, but I'm no where near my protien goal of 70. Today I actually had the lowest 13. I try to add a lot of protien thru out the day, but I just don't make it, and usually I go over my fat and sugar. I'm so disappointment as I have asked for help many times, had very good replies, but it's not sticking with me and I must be doing something wrong. I'd love to see a full day of nutrition from anyone. I might just catch on.

    Also going to try the quest bars as soon as the get here, is it ok to use them as a meal replacement daily.

    SORRY, YA'll must be sick and tired of hearing my nutrients problem.
    What you're doing wrong is that you're not eating enough. (Where in the world did you com up with a 1000 calorie/day diet!) And yes, until you start eating enough for an adult human being wringing your hands over your "nutrients problem" could get very tiresome.
  • OldSportOldsport
    OldSportOldsport Posts: 275 Member
    Meat! Honestly, even if a serving of a meat a day is going to help with protein levels. Meat is also filling, nutritious and tasty - much better to have chicken for lunch than a sandwich or something. Of course this only applies if you're not a vegetarian I guess. I wouldn't go straight for protein bars unless you've no other choices or are doing a bit of lifting.
  • Docbanana2002
    Docbanana2002 Posts: 357 Member
    Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If not, add some lean meats like fish, chicken breast, turkey breast. If you are veg*n then you really need to study how to do it can be a very healthy diet if done right but you have to eat a balanced diet with plenty of calories.

    Here are some veg sources of protein...
    Greek yogurt (get the low fat greek unsweetened kind for the lowest calories)
    Milk or protein enriched milk alternative (soy, almond, etc.)
    Nuts/seeds...pumpkin seeds are especially nutrient rich
    Meat substitutes like tofurkey, Morningstar, Boca, etc
    Protein shakes (pea or rice or hemp if vegan)
    Protein bars....Luna protein is my favorite
    Beans and lentils
    Choose higher protein veggies like broccoli, spinach, mushrooms, kale, potato, corn (you won't get a lot from these veggies but these are some good options to boost the count a little)
    Quinoa is a higher protein whole grain

    I agree with those who say your calories are too low. Protein, like carbs and fat, adds to the calorie count and if you are restricting so much it is hard to make room for the more caloric foods that give you a healthy mix of protein/carb/fat.

    I would also say plan in advance if you know you have a deficiency. I have my tracker filled out already with portions of generic food categories....for example, 100 calorie servings of self created foods called "protein", "fruit", "vegetable", "whole grain", "dairy". When I eat a protein rich food, I delete off the "protein" entry. Helps me make sure I get a good balance of nutrients throughout the day. I am hitting all my nutrient/macro goals, but if I saw that I kept having a persistent problem with iron, for example, I might create a food group called "iron" and add a few servings. Force myself to use those calories for foods that are iron rich.
  • lcooper61
    lcooper61 Posts: 7 Member
    You might try Met Rx protein drinks they have 35+ grams of protein and they are pretty good, that's what I drink for my snacks. I get mine from, they have the best prices by far. Also Pure Protein have very good protein bars that have the lowest amount of sugar that I have found. They can also be purchased through They are very reasonable on their prices, but they stab you with shipping, unless you order over $75.00, which for me is not hard to do I buy most of my supplements from them, they have been cheaper than Walmart and Amazon, even with the shipping.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Help yourself to a nosy at my diary.

    Just recently tried a quest bar myself (very hard to find over here) and it was by far the nicest protein bar I have tried, great fibre as well - I don't think I could stand for that to be a meal though - more of a snack IMO.
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    Eat meat.
  • greatweezette
    For breakfast every day I eat an apple pie Quest bar and a serving of Greek yogurt with frozen blueberries, that's 46 grams of protein and under 400 calories.
  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    Thank you very much. I guess I need to look at my diary, as I ate a cup and half of tuna with that mayo. Thought I was doing pretty good today, there were enough calories left over that I added angel cake with berries and two teaspoons of whipped cream, now when i go back and add the tuna I prob went over for the day. Thanks for your good advice
  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    Thanks for sharing, I think the quest bars will be a big help. I think I need to add protien to my breakfast and lunch to meet the protien amount. Afraid that will leave me low on calories, guess I won't know till I try it.
    Thanks again!
  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    The Quest bars are kind hard to find here as well. I just googled them and found several places online I can order from