Motivation needed please!

About 2 months ago, I started getting up an hour earlier than usual to workout on my exercise bike. My co-worker and I had an agreement--if she worked out every night, I'd work out in the morning. That lasted about a month (at least my end of it.)
Now I almost never work out. I enjoy it when I do force myself to get on the bike. But I wake up early and just go back to sleep.
I'm not overly tired throughout the day when I do workout in the morning.
So does anyone have any helpful hints to help me get back on track?




  • noodle412
    noodle412 Posts: 30 Member
    Have you tried moving your alarm clock so you actually have to get out of bed to shut it off? It usually works for me. I always like to pack my gym bag and clothes the night before so everything is ready to go- and I can be on auto-pilot until I actually start to wake up. In the winter time, I set a timer on my bedroom light, so the light goes on before my alarm- otherwise it's so dark, I have no desire to get up!

    Hope that helps!
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    Im not sure what or if you have any golas or just looking to get in exercise, but, I find that it is best to start with a small goal. What worked for me was setting multiple small goals. My first was a 5lbs weight loss with a target date. This helped keep me on track and motiviated. I also printed out a calendar and planned out my entire workout for the month. For some reason this helped because I felt like once it was in writing, then thats what I was going to have to do. No excuses. It worked for me. I met my goals each month.

    Maybe you could plan to cycle for "X" of miles per month. Day 1 start small and gradually increase distance. Plan it on on your calendar so you know exactly how many miles you are doing that morning. Do not go over or under.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    My advice...make a choice. Either you want this or you don't. It is that simple. You can find the time at some point during the day even if it has to be late at night.

    Motivation comes from within yourself...what you can obtain from others possibly is inspiration to find your own motivation.

    Last year when I turned 61 I could barely walk around a city block without passing out. Next month I will turn 62. I have lost 80lbs and now walk 3 to 5 miles a day, strength train....and am doing things that I thought I would never be able to do again. That is my motivation to get up off my butt and keep moving...keep striving for more.

    I am motivated by the fact that I lost many years of my life...years of being sedentary and declining health...years that I can't get back. I am motivated to make sure that I lose no more years. At my age...I don't have that many years left! LOL

    Like I is a choice. Many years ago I made the wrong choices even though I thought I had good reason to give up. That in no way means that I have to continue to make wrong choices for myself...I can change that...I made the choice to do that.

    Do some soul searching...find your motivation. If you can't find it...maybe you don't want it bad enough.
  • TheMotivator123
    You got to want it. It should the what you think about morning in and morning night. Even dream about it that
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    You got to want it. It should the what you think about morning in and morning night. Even dream about it that

    Well...that might be a bit extreme! LOL

    We are after all...trying to be healthy and fit so that we can enjoy the other aspects of our is all about balance.
  • TheMotivator123
    You got to want it. It should the what you think about morning in and morning night. Even dream about it that

    Well...that might be a bit extreme! LOL

    We are after all...trying to be healthy and fit so that we can enjoy the other aspects of our is all about balance.
    Never to get insane results you have to do insane things, just like someone who wants to grow up to be a football player. It doesnt happen over night it started in elementary school. Or a bodybuilder who want to compete on stage He has to be casious what how he sleeps cardio, meals 22 weeks out not just for a month.
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    If you don't exercise, you're going to die.

    If you do're still going to die.
  • TheMotivator123
    If you don't exercise, you're going to die.

    If you do're still going to die.

  • librarian11111
    librarian11111 Posts: 45 Member
    To all,
    Thanks for the posts! I know I can do it now.
    Noodle5975--I know by moving my alarm clock to my exercise room, I'll have enough incentive to go work out in the room after turning the alarm off.
    Ninav1980: My goals (in part) are to lose 25 lbs (lost 5 lbs via Weightwatchers as of yesterday); but also to get in shape no matter how much I weigh.
    Thanks again!
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I work out in the afternoon/evening. There's no way I can do early morning workouts. I don't care how great people say they are. I say sleep is even greater.

    Seriously though, if my motivation were dependent on me working out in the morning, it just would not happen. I'm much more motivated in the afternoon/early evening. That's just how I am and it's what works for me.