Searching for weight loss buddy, please read!

I am new on here as far as trying to reach out for a weight loss buddy! I am 19 years old, height is 5'1" and weight is 112-115 lbs. I just want to get to 105 lbs in a healthy way! I exercise regularly sometimes twice a day so that is not the issue and if that's your issue I am more than happy to help in any way I can :) my issue is food! I do not know how to control my cravings and I am 1000% positive that is what is keeping these last 10 lbs (I have lost a total of 60 lbs) on my body. Please please please let's help each other!


  • kwilcox1195
    Hi, I'm kiki. I'd love to be your buddy! :) I'm 18 and 5ft 5in, weight 134, and want to get to a toned 120! :D I'm getting married in December so I need to look great! I don't like exercising at all, but I've started to because I know I won't look as good as I want to without it :D my biggest problem with losing weight is definitely the STRONG desire to eat 'munchies' as soon as it gets dark, and it's going to hard to break my habit. I'd love some support and could offer anyone else some as well!
  • paulaaah
    paulaaah Posts: 60
    I totally feel where you're coming from as far as late night munchies go! Sometimes I can fight them off by doing 30 jumping jacks or ten push-ups or 20 crunches etc etc etc just to distract my body even just momentarily and then immediately brushing my teeth, taking one melatonin (if you don't know it's a pill that promotes sleep that can be bought at any drugstore) and washing my face or other bed time preparation techniques! The important thing is to keep yourself distracted until you're ready for sleep :) but obviously I don't always win :( as far as exercising, try to make it the first priority when you wake up before your brain realizes what you're doing haha drink green tea and get dressed! You'd be surprised how much more motivated you are just by getting dressed in your workout gear ! And do you have any tips on how I should attack these last 10 lbs?
  • kwilcox1195
    Thanks! :D That's some great advice. I think, since you're already so active, you should try to really make sure you're eating a lot of things that work well with exercise to help you lose weight. For instance, eating protein within an hour of working out helps build lean muscle and helps you feel fuller. :) and I would recommend taking a daily multivitamin (to make sure you have all your vitamins). I take one that says 'with immune support' because they help strengthen your body from the inside out. I'm also going to start logging everything I eat here on my fitness pal, so hopefully I can make better decisions tomorrow so I don't have to be embarassed from putting something like "ate 2000cal of potato chips' on here! lol. Try to eat things you'd be proud to tell people about! Or, in the very least, something you wouldn't have to hide from them! :D
  • paulaaah
    paulaaah Posts: 60
    That's actually some great advice! To eat what I would be proud to tell people about because we're human and a little gloating is nice lol
  • 87Djones
    87Djones Posts: 145 Member
    Wondering for the weight loss goal is it more gear towards overall body toning and what type of workouts are you performing currently? I lost about 50lbs in the past year or two ago by simply adjusting my eating style and the way I approach my workouts. I like to help out others to reach their goals as others assist me at one point in time.
    Only suggestion I would make based on your high level of being active is eating high amount of protein to stay full longer and using fruit or nuts as late night snacks.