always over daily calorie consumed

this is very frustrating to me. I'm unsure how to feel full without over eating while trying to lose 2pds a week. I don't exercise, i'm trying to change my eating habits, I'm looking to lose about 76 pounds, Its also hard for me to be positive during the week for my eating habits. I drink about 8 cups of fluid a day, mostly water. What do you do to keep your calories low and feel full throughout the day??? Any advise is helpful!!!

Goin' all the way!!!:explode:


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Can't help you on keeping them low. I'm trying to live a more active lifestyle and as a result can eat a lot. Lazy days for me are around 1500 calories and active days 2000+.

    My suggestion is to reassess your goals. Maybe try for 1lb a week instead of 2lbs. Make small changes. If your MFP calorie goal is 1200, well there is a possibility you can eat more and still lose weight.
  • sexymamadraeger
    sexymamadraeger Posts: 239 Member
    I don't go for feeling full. If I feel full I've probably eaten too much. I tend to eat mini-meals throughout the day. I eat enough to feel good but I could probably eat a little more. Also, you have to figure out what's a craving and what's true hunger. In the beginning your mind plays tricks. You're in such a habit of eating sugar a certain time of day or drinking caffeine. So when you don't your mind tries to tell you how hungry you are. It can be pretty powerful.

    Here's the way I learned to tell the difference. The days I was craving like crazy I would feel so hungry I could eat my right arm. So I would go grab a few bites of chicken or something healthy like blueberries. I'd still feel hungry. It really didn't matter what I ate. THAT's a craving. You have to distract yourself and tell yourself it will go away! When I got hungry my stomach would start growling or I'd start feeling lightheaded or just depleted. Then I knew I needed calories. I'd eat some protein and I was good to go. Eventually you'll learn the difference. It probably took me 3 or 4 weeks. The occasional cravings would hit and then they went away completely. It's all about re-training your mind so that it becomes used to your new habits.

    I doubt you're truly hungry if you're eating all your calories for the day. But that's for you to figure out. Good luck!
  • sexymamadraeger
    sexymamadraeger Posts: 239 Member
    Oh! Believe it or not exercise helps with the hunger. I'd try it even if it's walking 20 min a day at first.
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    Light weight lifting, walking, and reducing sugar and flour calories all helped me reduce appetite. Try to exercise with your kid(s) sometimes so that they see Mom being healthy and encourage you, but also make it clear to them that sometimes you need to exercise time just for you too. Vegetables and protein at breakfast (spinach scrambled egg, celery and peanut butter) give me energy enough to get moving so that I don't want a snack 2 hours later.
    good luck, add me as a friend if you want a big sister to egg you on.
  • vismundcygnus27
    vismundcygnus27 Posts: 98 Member
    2 lbs a week might be a bit much for you. Why don't you try changing your goal to 1 lb a week and see if that is more manageable?
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Veggies and fruits are always good for low cal ways to fill you up. If it's still not cutting it for you, I agree with the previous comment that suggests you may look at lowering how much you want to lose a week. How much are you going over?
  • Mgypsygirl
    Mgypsygirl Posts: 37 Member
    I do high protein meals, with two veggies and one is usually a huge salad, because it keeps me full. I also make smoothies with lots of fruit, yogurt, and protein powder. Other snacks I keep with me at work and in the fridge are snap peas, cut up peppers, celery, and cucumber, try dipping in a hummus dip. For breakfast I do oatmeal or yogurt. I also log my calories before I eat. It's easier to plan for snacking. Consider, some exercise like race walking. It will make weight loss easier, give yourself time and make small changes! You will amaze yourself!
  • davidbernstein148
    - Take smaller bites
    - chew each bite 30 times (or as much as you can)
    - eat the protein first
    - do not mindlessly eat in front of the TV or the computer.

    Those are the big steps to take, I currently weigh around 275 (and have lost over 50 pounds) and eat between 1000-1250 calories a day, and I exercise, so it is possible. Also look at areas to cut calories, dump soda, if you drink coffee with half and half switch to almond milk. If you fail, that's OK, just get back on the wagon the next day.
  • mike_ny
    mike_ny Posts: 351 Member
    Your problem is feeling the need to feel full. It's hard, but you really have to learn to feel satisfied without feeling full.

    I definitely used to eat until I was stuffed and even staying active was on a path of continual weight gain. It took time and some real willpower, but now I stop eating when I've had enough and don't keep eating until feeling full. Believe it or not, once you develop that new pattern of eating a healthy small portion and walking away, on the rare occasion that you do eat to the point of being really full, it's very uncomfortable and not pleasurable at all. I now associate being full like that with feeling sluggish and feeling weighted down with no energy.

    If you need to always feel full, you'll never get off the continual weight gain cycle and any weight you lose on a diet will be gained back. The fix for being overweight is not a temporary diet. The only long term fix is a lifestyle change of eating patterns and habits.
  • walt9859
    walt9859 Posts: 2 Member
    I find that in the very beginning there are times I felt hungry but this only lasts a few days maybe a week, once you get yourself used to eating less you want less. Not exercising isn't a bad thing but could definitely speed up and help the process even if its just going for a walk. I for one think sugar free gum helps me from snacking and eating more. Ask yourself when you go to eat something are you really hungry or just bored or thirsty. Sometimes your body mistakes hunger for thirst. Also, I agree that maybe reassessing goals would be a good idea maybe a lb to 1.5 lbs a week would be better. It is a slower process but remember this is a lifestyle change the longer it takes you to take it off the more likely it becomes second nature. I have lost weight before and gained it all back this was due to unrealistic eating habits and being very active (which I stopped doing) and of course a lot of excuses as to why I gained it back. Do what works for you listen to your body try incorporating a few mins of exercise (walking for 5 mins) add a minute each day or find other things like Zumba that don't feel like exercise, become passionate about something that keeps you moving. Eating wise don't tell yourself you can't have something eat any food you want just know that it needs to be done in moderation. The more you keep yourself busy the less likely you are to snack and feel hungry. If you eat while watching tv turn it off and eat at the dinner table you tend to eat more while watching TV. Slow yourself down while eating take the time to savor each bite with slow deliberate chewing. The stomach and mind don't sync at the same time you may not feel full therefore you think you can eat more 10 20 mins later after continuous eating you feel full then extremely bloated from overeating.
  • cheetahrocker88
    Thank you I am also reading message boards my name is Betsy I have been at this again seriously for last 20 days but getting discouraged because not able to stay in my calorie goals, I am learning as I go. Your post was helpful.
  • SaltyElephants
    Two pounds is 7,000 calories. That means you'd have to cut 1,000 calories per day--which is way too much in my opinion. I'm going for half a pound a week, which drops my calorie intake from 1,800 to 1,500 per day. This basically means all I have to do is cut out snacks.
  • walt9859
    walt9859 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you I am also reading message boards my name is Betsy I have been at this again seriously for last 20 days but getting discouraged because not able to stay in my calorie goals, I am learning as I go. Your post was helpful.

    Don't get discouraged there are times where you are going to go over your calorie goal believe me I have done it a few times just know that you need to allow yourself to mess up if not you'll fail because perfection cannot be obtained. I've lost 20lbs so far with this site in 2 months ( I weigh in tomorrow so hoping a few more down) but 32 lbs overall (since January) it is a slow process and there are times where I feel like its taking forever but at the same time the thing I like about mfp is the fact it keeps track of my days i've logged in I don't want to break that streak it holds me accountable and makes me more conscious of what I am eating and how much
  • cheetahrocker88
    Thank you! I want to lose 40lbs. I won't give up ! I need to add more friends so far I have two and I realize this helps a lot!
  • chefmhs
    chefmhs Posts: 4
    I found from a lot of encouragement here that small and steady whens the race. I am going to sound like a broken record high fiber foods do the trick for me a bowl of real oatmeal not instant 1oz of chia seeds and 2 tablespoons of flax and 1/2 cup a blueberries and a Greek yogurt will keep you full to lunch remember:smile: that not eating enough is just as bad as eating to much.
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    this is very frustrating to me. I'm unsure how to feel full without over eating while trying to lose 2pds a week. I don't exercise, i'm trying to change my eating habits, I'm looking to lose about 76 pounds, Its also hard for me to be positive during the week for my eating habits. I drink about 8 cups of fluid a day, mostly water. What do you do to keep your calories low and feel full throughout the day??? Any advise is helpful!!!

    Goin' all the way!!!:explode:

    I am a new whole foods vegan who gave up refined sugar. I eat a fresh delicious fruit for snacks. I also will eat some raisins, only 40 grams. Also whole grains and complex carbohydrates. Think oatmeal, all sorts of legumes. I love unsweetened soymilk personally. I do not avoid fat. Fat causes us to feel full. I eat good natural fats, like some olive oil, an avocado, pure organic coconut oil, an ounce of raw nuts.

    I do not go hungry. I eat between meals and I eat meals. I am not hungry. But if at the end of the day I need a little something, I will allow myself a little something. It is fruit or some complex carbohydrate.

    I hope you can find some ideas in my reply. I am not hungry. I couldn't handle being hungry. I wouldn't be able to stick to it. That's why I went whole foods vegan, (because I can eat a lot) and eat a lot of fresh fruit. I eat what is really yummy, and all of it is good for me.
    (don't count the 4 trader joe's Joe Joe's I ate last night) LOL I don't do that very often at all.
  • bethanytapp
    bethanytapp Posts: 79 Member
    I think a couple people have already said this, but distract yourself. I found when I was still loosing the best distraction is to go for a walk. If I thought I was still hungry after dinner I'd go for a walk for 30- 45 minutes. When I'd get back I was usually not hungry, but if I was I would have some exercise calories I could eat back.
  • chefmhs
    chefmhs Posts: 4
    I agree logging your foods seems to change your perception when you shop and also a cheat day or 2 wont break you .
  • sharonpink
    sharonpink Posts: 76 Member
    I've been adding real butter when I sauté a chicken breast in the skillet, heavy cream in my coffee, full fat cheese products. I've found that although I am eating more fat in my diet (which has always been pounded into our heads that we shouldn't eat fat), that I'm feeling more satisfied and have less hunger issues. And I am continuing to lose weight. Add a couple of hundred calories on your goal and see what happens. I bet it boosts your metabolism, you'll be eating more, and you will continue to lose weight.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    How much are you going over by each day? 15 calories? 150? 1500?

    Exercise is a great way to earn back calories, but it won't be enough if you're going over by 1000+ calories every day. I find it's great for earning 200-500 calories a day.

    Per previous posters, loading up on veggies can help with psychological and physical hunger. One serving of spinach is 7 calories. When I want to have a 'big' dinner without going overboard, I pile 2 servings of raw spinach on my plate and then put the rest of my meal on top of it, letting whatever sauces run onto the spinach.