Phobia of the Scale.

So lately I have become quite terrified of my scale. For the past 2 months, I keep seeing no results and I'm tired of feeling that unbearable weight of 'YOU FAILED.... f*ckin' fatty....' and then feeling, that instant, like all the weight you kept thinking you lost, comes rushing back and gravity decides to take over and I just turn into a ridiculous mess and I hate everything and everyone and-....

People say, "The scale shouldn't define how you feel about yourself"... I'd beg to differ... Let me give you my opinion... And this is strictly my opinion...

Congratulations to you if that works for you. Really, I am so glad that your life is that easy for you to accept something and be in tune with yourself like that. But when there are people, like me, who need actual solid proof and to know that they are making progress and not just 'guessing' every day, we need that number. We need to know how far we have to go until the race is over. How much more sweat and frustration and energy are we going to drain out of ourselves until we can finally give ourselves a little bit of slack and finally say to ourselves 'It's ok. You can fit into that, now. You're allowed to feel proud of yourself."

But for right now... I've grown almost a phobia to that ridiculous scale. I'm irritated quite easily, I can flip a table over something as stupid as dropping a dime... I'm tired of thinking "Oh boy! I can do this! I've worked out really hard and done a really good job counting those calories that I HAVE to have lost 5 pounds for now! It's been a month!' and then stepping onto the scale and it reading "FAIL WHALE".

I'm tired of feeling the fail. I'm tired of hating myself for it, too.


  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    :flowerforyou: you are not a fail whale.
    Have you measured yourself?
    That's a great feeling too, when you realize you're losing inches (getting smaller) I think it's better than what the evil scale has to say.
  • fejiofor
    fejiofor Posts: 373 Member
    I cam so relate with this. Am using my tape ruler instead than the scale. I don't want to be discouraged.