
Okay so I want to become Vegetarian :3

Every time i eat red meat i feel like im about to puke or get disgusted and sick while eating it which causes me to stop

the problem is that I come from a My mom always cooks food that has red meat on it. Sometimes she would cook just veggie pasta but thats sometime when i ask for it. And everytime i try i always loose track and eat some.
So far what im trying to do is to just eat either chicken and fish but like i said its hard

Do you guys have any tips on how it can transfer to being vegetarian ? or any websites that have vegetarian recepies?


  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Ummm, just for the sake of clarity, what you are trying to do is eat less red meat while still eating chicken & fish, right? Vegetarian means no animal meats. Anyhow, here's a link to 7 best vegetarian cooking blogs, hope it helps with your meals.

    Here's another one to help with your transition:
  • EdoLuna
    EdoLuna Posts: 10
    No i want to become vegetarian but im bearly starting so i want to do it slowly
    i cutted the red meat then after a while i will cut the chicken and then the fish till i dont eat any animals at all
    Sorry for the mis understanding >.<
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    Luna, do a google search for vegetarian recipes and vegetarian blogs. I am a new vegan, and I am so happy for the internet. There is a ton of information and vegetarian recipes for you and for me!
  • mamaoftwins9197
    mamaoftwins9197 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm a recent ovo-lacto-pescatarian convert. It's pretty easy, as long as you can cook for yourself. Living with your parents or other family members that are still eating meat can make it difficult. My biggest problem is trying not to become a carbetarian. I really have to work hard to increase my fruits and vegetables and not just cut out meat. So far, it's been pretty good. I'm following to get some good web resources.