Scale hasn't budged since 6/14?

Wondering if someone wouldn't mind looking at my diary and seeing what I should switch up? I've wondered if I'm eating too few calories but I don't wanna jump to that conclusion...

I'm 4'10, 29 y/o and 130 lbs, so my goal calories are 1200. My TDEE is 1658 (based on 3 days per week of activity), so I feel like I should be losing weight faster than this!

I AM seeing some changes like clothes fitting better so is it possible that this "plateau" is really building muscle? Am I eating too few calories or am I missing something else?

(Food: I'm trying to make good choices and not let everything spiral whenever I go over 1200. I'm a vegetarian trying to transition away from that all carb & fruit diet.
Exercise: I'm working hard at the gym, and I just started HIIT cardio instead of steady state cardio this week. I hope that helps some because I'm getting impatient :( I also do circuits 3xs a week and yoga/pilates once or twice a week.)

Thanks in advance :smile:

Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • I had the same problem for a while as well. Keep in mind muscle is heavier than fat, it might be that you are increasing muscle. If your clothes are fitting better you are doing a good job. If you really want to drop body fat your diet will need to change. You will have to increase your protein from what it is already. I don't know anything on vegetarian diets so I don't know how to get enough protein. That is something you can look up. I know that there are alternatives to protein supplements for vegetarians you could look into that.

    It might just be a macros thing. Keep up with your macro nutrition as well as calorie count. People seem to forget to count macros and just count calories.
  • LessHeavyVeggie
    LessHeavyVeggie Posts: 208 Member
    You use a lot of estimated measurements - cups, tablespoons, 1 medium etc.
    It's possible that you're overestimating your calories. Try using a food scale and weighing in grams - you may find your usual portions are more than you thought.
  • KeairaSedai
    KeairaSedai Posts: 138 Member
    How long have you been eating 1200 calories?

    MY dietician is making me eat 1200 calories, but only for 4 weeks, she says its not good to do it much longer than that.

    That said, shes also making me eat high protein / fat and low carb. So I second the motion of watching macro counts as well in addition to calories. Also, weighing is a good idea. Be sure what you're eating first, then decide whether it's too few or too much.
  • cakelight
    cakelight Posts: 9 Member
    I've been eating 1200 since I restarted with MPL, so late April/May. I guess I don't know much about macros so I'm off to read the forums :)
  • cakelight
    cakelight Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you :)

    UPDATE: Scale still hasn't moved, but I took a week off from the gym while on vacation :\ Boyfriend said he saw a difference since the last time he saw me in May, though.

    I'm also on Celexa and going to ask my doctor if that has something to do with the problems weight.
  • OllyJ_79
    OllyJ_79 Posts: 126 Member
    I checked you BMR for 4'10, and its around 1200 calories, for a TDEE of 1650 that would match an activity level of:

    Work: Sedentary
    Exercise: casual one hour walk 3 times per week, plus casual sports or moderate gym workout twice weekly

    Therefore if that was the case you would be loosing around 1/2 lb a week constantly. If its not the Celexa, then you aren't then in all likelihood you are eating more than you think you are, and staying at maintenance. Looking at your diary, you are not weighing in grams, which I suspect is the issue. If you want to loose the last bit you're going to need to get a digi scale and be super accurate. Specifically I'd be focusing on the cereal, as that is calorie dense, and hard to measure in cups. Also there are some quick add calorie entires etc