Work out routine/ work out programs

Hello I am just starting this whole getting fit idea but I have no idea where to start. My main goal is to loose some weight and get a bit of muscle strenght. Is there any work out program you guys recommend for a total beginner or a website where i can find some work out routines that arent super hard and will make me give up


  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    Well that depends are you going to a gym? Do you have a Wii or xbox 360?
  • james3302
    if you have a Nintendo Wii then I suggest getting EA Sports Active. If you have a gym membership then I suggest the Rock Hard Challenge 2008 from Muscle & Fitness magazine. You can find the pdfs of the workout online. If you do not have Wii and do not have a gym membership then I will suggest body weight exercises. Here's a good link to a site where you can learn body weight exercises
  • eyeballer
    If you're anything like me, you need a plan to follow. I got a ton of workout plans on's exercise section. They tailor to those of us who can't afford a gym membership :)
    They have circut workouts with dumbells and even interval workouts for walking/running.
    Here is just one example. Good luck!
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    I agree with James, love EA Sports Active Personal trainer because you can customize it so much and still get a good workout. Before I got a Wii, I tried different workout dvds like Biggest loser Cardio Max, or The Firm. Visit the sporting goods section at Walmart or Target to see what appeals to you.
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    Agreed on all counts. Depends on what you have access to and what kind of atmosphere motivates you most. Lots of people find their drive in a group setting with something like spinning or Zumba. Others barely have time to get in their workouts, so its either super early in the morning or late in the evenings. So really, you gotta find what works for you.

    For me... I needed to workout in the morning at home. If I had to actually drive to a gym, I would more than likely skip it - particularly on the nasty weather days. I had heard a lot of my friends talk about P90X... so I started there. It was a great jump start to my workout and healthy eating lifestyle. Since then, I've moved on to ChaLEAN Extreme, which I loved even more!! I've built some incredible LEAN muscles.. they're just still hiding underneath some flub I gotta lose still. LOL!!

    So find what works for you - and of course, MFP is a lifesaver and a motivation tool when you're down and frustrated.

    If you have any questions, let me know!