
My intake this last couple weeks has been insane. I'm set to maintain and im still going over a lot of days lately. I think that logging my calories kind of makes it worse. When i started maintaining i was excited about the extra calories and it didn't take me long to realize i get to eat ALL THE FOODZ. I've started to go way overboard. If i ahve calories left over at the end of the night i generally eat them just because i know i can and thats where i get myself in trouble by accidentally going a bit over. I think this is the first week where im set to gain at least a bit of weight and i don't want this to end up going south. Should i just get back on the horse so to speak and keep logging or take a break from logging and just eat when im hungry? My diary is an open shameful book right now. I'm surprised i haven't died of food lol.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    only you know what will work best. for me, i generally have more 'treats' when i dont log.... i am happy to be a long term logger even at maintenance, but that approach doesnt work for everyone.
  • lendaport
    lendaport Posts: 2
    Try lowering your calories as your goal then when you look at it you will not be able to eat as much because the number will be lower .
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Try lowering your calories as your goal then when you look at it you will not be able to eat as much because the number will be lower .

    but the OP is maintaining, so they dont need a deficit... you're suggesting she eat at a deficit?
  • maryann9wood
    maryann9wood Posts: 75 Member
    I DID look at your diary and you have some days over and some days under. I think you are worrying about it too much. What I do see is that you are not logging any exercise. If you have lost the weight you wanted to, it's a good time to add some strength training to make your new body look even better. And walking, biking, and swimming are easy and fun things to do that help take care of the days that you are over by 50-100 calories. Good luck to you.
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    I think you need to do what you think is best. I have stopped logging but do weigh weekly to monitor.

    I personally do not want to spend the rest of my life logging cals and I have a fair idea of portions and cals. Most times I know when I have gone overboard and also there are days when I am at a deficit. I guess it balances it out on a weekly basis.
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    Try lowering your calories as your goal then when you look at it you will not be able to eat as much because the number will be lower .

    but the OP is maintaining, so they dont need a deficit... you're suggesting she eat at a deficit?

    I don't think they meant that, just to set the goal a little lower so they don't go over maintainance and not actually eat at a deficit.
  • jenny24012014
    jenny24012014 Posts: 83 Member
    Try lowering your calories as your goal then when you look at it you will not be able to eat as much because the number will be lower .

    but the OP is maintaining, so they dont need a deficit... you're suggesting she eat at a deficit?

    I read it as if the OP is consistently going say 100 over the calorie allowance set the allowance as 100 lower than it needs to be, so there's a bit of wiggle room at the end.
  • ShoeGal78
    ShoeGal78 Posts: 35 Member
    I try to have a weekly target rather than a daily as I tend to eat more on a weekend due to socialising and having the odd glass of wine than during the week while I'm at work...
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    Looking back over your past ten days it looks like you *average* all right. I didn't take the time to add up your week and divide by the number of days, but I bet if you do that, you'll realize you're not doing too badly.

    One thing I did notice is that while your calorie count isn't bad, and it looks like you try to find a balance between good nutrition and good taste, you're consistently low on protein. Upping your protein might help you feel fuller and resist that last snack that pushes you into eating more than you meant to. (I know the days I skimp on protein, I end up starving and overeat on less healthful treats.)
  • cdavison2018
    cdavison2018 Posts: 15 Member
    Log truthfully for a finite period of time like 24 or 48 hours with a small personal reward for getting it done without fail. You are going afield probably because you have been strict with yourself for too long a period and now feel like you deserve a break. Go for high protein/ low carbs for this demo period. This should help curb your appetite getting you back to a balanced state. Good luck!
  • sshintaku
    sshintaku Posts: 228 Member
    Try lowering your calories as your goal then when you look at it you will not be able to eat as much because the number will be lower .

    but the OP is maintaining, so they dont need a deficit... you're suggesting she eat at a deficit?

    I don't think they meant that, just to set the goal a little lower so they don't go over maintainance and not actually eat at a deficit.
    I do this. My calls are set at 1600, I really maintain at about 1800-1900. So, if I go a little over day to day (which I normally do) or my logging isn't super accurate (which it isn't), I don't freak out. This also gives me more wiggle room on the weekends for extra treats. :)
  • myfitnesspale3
    myfitnesspale3 Posts: 276 Member
    Eat more fat and protein. If you eat more fat, then you won't get as hungry for the breads and fruit juices. Cutting one soy latte might help. Low-fat foods will interfere with your goals.

    Congratulations - you've done well.
  • pleasurelittletreasure
    pleasurelittletreasure Posts: 236 Member
    I know that a lot of people wish to stop logging once they reach their goal weight but in my mind it seems like I'd be missing out. Like stopping exercise once I reach my goal. I enjoy logging because I can look at the whole day and tweak it in advance to make sure I've got my macros hit and wiggle room for treats. And there's the social aspect: checking out how everyone is doing, checking their diaries for dinner ideas. This is it for me. I am logging long term. Perhaps you might consider it.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Go by the average per week. Fact is, most people who are not on a site like this and who maintain a healthy weight naturally, have a variable appetite. Some days, they will eat more, some days they will eat less. The same goes for week to week. It is all about balance. Just keep an eye on your weight and if it starts consistently going up, you will know you need to tighten the reins a bit, so to speak. Also, you might like to try not logging and just going by appetite for a few weeks and see how it goes. You can always return to logging if that makes things worse.