Time for Big Changes

Back in the winter I had my gallbladder removed due to tumors and that was the kick off of the healthier me in 2014. This is the first time I have stuck to a dedicated journalling and exercising for a long time. I have lost weight, feel better and getting out the door to be active.

I am contuining to have stomach issues. My doctor is sending me for some blood work to see the next steps, whether and ultra sound or scope. That being said, there are times when certain food and beverages cause me to be severly ill and not well the next day. Even one glass of wine could leave me nausated and bathroom bound the next morning.

So time for a change but I don't know where to begin. Well I do. Just stop eating and drinking the crap. But I am not sure I want to give it up 100%. I enjoyed a few glasses of wine on the weekend nights. But I know that every weekend is still too much for my stomach. If I am suffering from something like an ulcer the alcohol is not helping. Then there is the coffee. I have 2 a day, black. I cannot drink milk in it, the thought make me shudder. I am going to scale back to one first thing and then have some hot water and lemon when I get to work.

Then time to give up the junk food. Any given evening I will eat cheese and crackers. I have the calories for it but dairy leaves me feeling bloated and I can find healthier alternatives. Just need to take the time to prepare something for myself in the evenings.

Any suggestions are welcomed.


  • redpandora56
    redpandora56 Posts: 289 Member
    I don't think you necessarily need to give up anything that you enjoy, it's just about gaining control over when you have it and how much. If you enjoy wine, as you say perhaps not every weekend if it makes you ill, but certainly now and then gives you something to look forward to. And being able to have the things you enjoy is the best way to keep you motivated the rest of the week and on track. So don't 'ban' any foods, find a way to fit them into your calorie goals.
    Having said that, If you are diagnosed as having certain food intolerance, then it could be for your health that you should avoid certain foods, but as you say there are always alternatives. Experiment with new foods and treats - seek out advice from others with those intolerances and find out what they like to have. I'm sure you'll get lots of great new ideas. Good luck!