Non Dairy for a week-need protein ideas



  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    its a hard concept to type out..but after Ive had tests after tests after tests and bloodwork ran..and STILL no answers..when some days I feel like singing and dancing..and othersI am so anxious and moody I can hardly function..Im willing to see if ANYTHING makes me feel better..because I cant live like this anymore and I wont subject my husband and kiddo to these intense swings anymore either...I appareciate the input..know it might take longer..but if my physical issues get better, hoping the "hormonal" ones follow.
    my tummy issues have subsided abit just after afew days dairy free...granted today is not a good hormonal day...hate it hate it

    No beans..they dont agree with me. Ill try the quinoa in the AM..Ive got a package in my cupboard.

    Organic mung bean fettucine...can have it like you would spaghetti, with a sauce or whatever...25grams of Protein a pop!! I order it by the for it on Amazon.
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    I make a veggie salad with quinoa and put a vinegar or lemon based dressing on it. Use any veggies you have, I put cucumbers, tomatoes, snow peas, regular peas and even olives in it.

    Boil or grill shrimp for snacks and salads.

    I had poached salmon last week for the first time. Cold, it was awesome in a mixed green salad.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    errr..cheese is dairy? ;)

    the quinoa salad sounds similar to a recipe I found..but it includes chicken versus all the veggies..but imagine I could add whatever the heck I wanted. I can do salmon sometimes..alot of times its way to fishy for me..Id go tuna..but I do that in salads sometimes too..cold.

    There was a my not to distant past..I lived off of canned tuna, peas, almonds and strawberries..not healthy, but I did..
    Im not funny like some folks who need oodles of variety in their food.
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    I make a veggie salad with quinoa and put a vinegar or lemon based dressing on it. Use any veggies you have, I put cucumbers, tomatoes, snow peas, regular peas and even olives in it.

    Boil or grill shrimp for snacks and salads.

    I had poached salmon last week for the first time. Cold, it was awesome in a mixed green salad.

    I don't think I mentioned cheese here, did I?
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Archer above you did..I was responding to them..sorry
    I make a veggie salad with quinoa and put a vinegar or lemon based dressing on it. Use any veggies you have, I put cucumbers, tomatoes, snow peas, regular peas and even olives in it.

    Boil or grill shrimp for snacks and salads.

    I had poached salmon last week for the first time. Cold, it was awesome in a mixed green salad.

    I don't think I mentioned cheese here, did I?
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    I make a veggie salad with quinoa and put a vinegar or lemon based dressing on it. Use any veggies you have, I put cucumbers, tomatoes, snow peas, regular peas and even olives in it.

    Boil or grill shrimp for snacks and salads.

    I had poached salmon last week for the first time. Cold, it was awesome in a mixed green salad.

    mmmmmmmmmmm shrimp!!!
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    What about pea protein powder - it's not quite as high in protein as whey, but it's vegan. You can get it at Whole Foods among other places.

    Dairy is linked with a lot of inflammation and digestive issues - so it could be what's bothering you. MY good friend has been dairy free for about a year and feels much better.

    I am all about meat - 4-6 ounces at lunch and dinner should get you most of the protein you need.
  • alfiedn
    alfiedn Posts: 425 Member
    I do consume a lot of dairy in the form of cheese and yogurt, however, it isn't too difficult to avoid. I have tons of friends that do! I do think a large amount of them eat beans. Unfortunate they don't agree with you. Nuts are a great alternative form of protein. What about chia seeds or flaxseeds as well? Seeds tend to have a fair amount of protein. You can also use soy and flax protein instead of whey protein.

    Avoiding dairy may mean making your own bars in some cases. Looked up "home made cliff bars" or "homemade larabars" for some great ideas. They tend not to take a super long time to make.

    Look up vegan blogs for some other ideas, too. Yumm!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    I do like meat..:)..thankfully

    just not big on meat first thing in the morning..looking for something lighter.

    its interesting to me how much food contains milk products or "may" contain milk products..I was sure I could cut out long as I had my chocolate protein powder! I saw a soy based powder at Sams..admitedly, I am scared to swap..keeping my fruit and kashi, along with adding an egg really helped this morning. I think Id still like to try a mix of PB, oats and almonds..or even quinoa.

    I have flaxseeds, I used to mix them in my Ill start adding those back in.

    Im a protein girl..I love to hit my goal or even go over seeig my morning protein cut in half made me sad..:(..sunday I did not hit my protein goal..think I came closer yesterday.

    I make my son energy balls..he prefers them over the storebought powerbars (he is in heavy training getting ready for football now) Im no stranger to making my own..its cheaper in the end too..I do love my quest bars..and they contain whey..:(

    Im just kinda funny in that I like to work with ingredients I can buy at the supermarket..not have to special order..