Celebrating - without food

This is where I always stumble. A birthday, or good news to celebrate always has me saying, "Lets do something SPECIAL for xxxx meal!" And then I'll celebrate for a whole weekend.

Well, I have just received good news at work (a promotion) and now my birthday is upon me. We invited friends over last weekend and I splurged some calories on a couple margaritas but we kept the meal healthy and opted out of dessert.

For my birthday this week, I've taken a couple days off work and will spend the days enjoying the company of my husband and sitting at my easel. I might throw in a pedicure if I have time. My favorite ways to pamper myself.

How do YOU celebrate without food?


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    A day at the beach. Either by the lake or sometimes the Jersey shore. There is still food involved but we try to pack the cooler with healthy snacks and we get lots of exercise splashing around or just walking on the sand.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    alcohol, fishing, kayaking, spending time with friends. anything thats fun really, but it usually involves the first thing i listed
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Honestly, I just workout more so I can eat more on those days. I have the discipline to get back on track after that day/days are over. I'm definitely not missing out on a huge birthday meal and cake.

    Otherwise, I buy myself something, but it's usually workout related.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    alcohol, fishing, kayaking, spending time with friends. anything thats fun really, but it usually involves the first thing i listed

    Yeah, me too. Minus the fishing and kayaking..
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    Honestly, I just workout more so I can eat more on those days. I have the discipline to get back on track after that day/days are over. I'm definitely not missing out on a huge birthday meal and cake.

    Otherwise, I buy myself something, but it's usually workout related.

    agreed. some good food, some good booze. ...and maybe that new set of weights I've been eyeballing at the store. :wink:
  • mandylanerocks
    mandylanerocks Posts: 89 Member
    Honestly, I'm still trying to figure this out.
    I usually try to work out more when I know ahead of time but some how I always end up falling into peer pressure - "oh, come on! live a little! you look great!!" - and & eating way more than I should. Not many people in my every day life really GET my struggle with food in general or my healthy lifestyle. They think I'm just being rigid & boring.
    But it all comes down to just remembering your goals & repeatedly saying NO THANK YOU.