Most benefit from time invested in workouts: Suggestions?

:smile: I am a person that wants to get the most benefit from time invested and have a great time doing it. So I am going to save my Elliptical for winter days and ride my bike.
I also want to work on mobility, agility, and strength and endurance training. Any suggestions?
For example: Elliptical versus Cycling - Same intensity and speed:
Elliptical for 45 min: Calories Burned: 411
Riding my bike 45 min: Calories Burned: 822
Elliptical 120 min: Calories Burned: 1315
Riding my bike for 120 min: Calories Burned: 2191


  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Doubtful that burn on the 2 hour bike ride. ;)

    Maintaining a 140-150 hr pace, I still only manage to get around 900kcal per hour on my trainer which is constant output. Even across my 4 hour sessions.

    Any of those things you list will have great benefit, the actual variable you need to monitor and left out is intensity.

    ETA - the rest, depends on your goals. You might not want to do all cardio.
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    Yoga would be a great addition to your workouts and strength training is very good for your overall health not just good for building muscles. You could also add some hiking in to your routine, that's a nice well rounded workout and you get to enjoy some nature as a bonus.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    How are you calculating those calories? In my opinion, getting the most benefit from my workout doesn't include 2 hours on an elliptical. I would look up HIIT to get more bang for your buck.
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Likewise, I can think of nothing worse than wasting 2 hours of my life on an elliptical. Do some intervals to cut that time down for more bang for your buck.

    Better yet, get outside and do hill sprints!