new mom, back again, starting again

sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
(copied and pasted from intro board. )

Hello Everyone! I have been apart of MFP (and not updated my profile) for a long time. I've had quite the success, having lost about 140lbs since joining. Well, I've gained. I got pregnant at the end of 2012/beginning of 2013 with twins. Biggest blessing of my life. Due to medical issues with the twins while pregnant, I had to stop working out. I had a csection with them and couldn't work out for a while after them. I did meet with my trainer and started losing weight afterwards, but mother's guilt caught up to me and I stopped.. and I stopped watching what I was eating. I'm only down now about -113lbs total from my heaviest weight. Sad that I'm going to have to lose all that weight again. :( Such is life. I know I did this to myself.

The net is that I've gained weight, I've lost muscle, and I feel/look terrible. I've also gotten away from the healthy life style I was living that included daily gym trips or some sort of exercise and super healthy, clean eating. I have finally stopped breastfeeding (10 months with twins!), and am ready to reclaim my body! My gym was bought out and since having closed down, I have not gone to the new, much bigger gym (scary!?). Today is the day. I need friends that will motivate me, that will help me stay accountable, and understand the life of a mother, who works full time, and needs to change her life.

I changed my profile picture to photos I took today in the work bathroom! Don't judge, it's all I've got to work with right now. :)

Hopefully, I'll get some new friends from this! The friends I have, like me, have seemed to drift away from MFP and aren't present or as active as they once were. I am so excited and determined to do this again! Let's go! :)


  • sarabig2fit
    sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
    no one?
  • t_suski
    t_suski Posts: 5 Member
    good luck! If the gym is too big of a hurdle right now, you could try daily walks pushing the kids in a jogging stroller. At least something like that to start establishing a routine.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    WELCOME, Welcome, Welcome!!!!

    Congrats on the Twins!!!!

    You've done this before, you Know you CAN! Try hard on the guilt of leaving kids or taking from them, its OK, you're doing this to be a BETTER MOM and a Healthier/happier one!!!!!!

    One day at a time!

    If the gym is too scary right now, there is PLENTY you can do right at home so it doesn't take as much time from the babies.

    We are here for you!
  • focusedonfitness2015
    focusedonfitness2015 Posts: 240 Member
    Welcome back and congrats on the twins!! I have 3 kids, 3 c-sections and I know the struggles of getting fit after that. My last baby was at 37! I log daily and try to be a presence on the boards. Motivation comes from within but I am here for you if you need a kick in the behind to help you get started each day. Sending a friend request! Good luck!
  • Katie331
    Katie331 Posts: 1
    I would love to have the opportunity to encourage you along and get some encouragement. I recently had my third baby and am struggling to get back to me. I am still breast feeding as my youngest is 4 months old. I have a ways to go also.
  • natlagoon
    natlagoon Posts: 21 Member
    My little girl is 21 weeks now and I know only too well what pregnancy can do to your body! I used to be a slim 65kgs pre-pregnancy but when my baby was born I had rocketed up to 104kg!!! This was too big for my frame, I felt unhealthy and generally very unhappy with myself. I didn't overeat which I stand firmly by to this day, but I didn't have an easy pregnancy and couldn't exercise. I was initially expecting twins too, but sadly one didn't make it quite early on. I genuinely believe this was the primary issue I had where my hormones and body were still going for two when only supplies for one were needed.
    Anyway... 21 weeks later, I have lost nearly 30kgs and currently weigh 74kgs. I am targeting 68kg as my yummy mummy weight but will be happy if I can go back to how I was completely. It's been tough, but I log in everyday and will support you if you'd like to add me.
    Good luck, you CAN do it!
  • thatgirlkellib
    thatgirlkellib Posts: 150 Member
    congrats on your babies!
    Deep breath, start with your next meal being a good choice, take the kids for an hour walk will enjoy it and so will they!

    Mothers guilt got me for awhile, I had to figure my health is important so I can be an active part of my childs life...I had to break away from my mommy blues...and get my *kitten* walking...I took him mostly due to sched confilicts with the sitter and my husband.. he loves the fresh air and view. and if you do it right you will succeed.
    Ive lost my intial 50lbs. as of now, new mom here and I feel amazing!

    the best advice I ever gotten was to treat your body like a baby, nourish, pamper, love and only give your baby the best of everything, do it for your self too.

    Friend Here!
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    Feel free to add me! Mother's guilt got me for a long time and my kids are 8 & 9 - but for me what it comes down to is if I feel good then I am doing more with them so it is all worth it!
  • Elaineheikura
    Elaineheikura Posts: 28 Member
    Add me. I have a two year old. I lost 30 pounds but it is slowly coming back. I decided I needed to do something about it.
    Good luck!
  • kmcover08
    kmcover08 Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats on the twins!!
    I started back here a couple months ago after having baby #2 in September. Mothers guilt got me and even more when I went back to work.

    I started working out at home using bikinibodymommy YouTube videos. 20 min workouts are quick and easy and she get its being a mommy as well. I like them better than having Jillian Michaels yelling at me.

    Add me if you want, I am always looking for people to take this journey with.

    Keep up the hard work and stick with it!!
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm in a similar boat as you. I had my daughter, went back onto MFP and lost 60lbs and was 40lbs from my goal. Then I got pregnant for my son. Oye, I gained 100lbs with that pregnancy. I'm now 10lbs over my starting weight before. It's been a year, but I don't think I was emotionally or hormonially ready to lose weight until now. So I'm back on. Feel free to add me. More friends the better. It's a crazy summer and I try and be as supportive as I can. Good luck to you!
  • jackscanada
    jackscanada Posts: 2 Member
    Hi There! I'm a mom of twins too, and trying to lose the weight. Add me if you like!
  • Dmeg85
    Dmeg85 Posts: 10
    Feel free to add me :)and congrats on the twins :)
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 283 Member
    Hi Im a mom of three boys, my youngest being 8 months. Congrats on your twins. What a blessing. You can Add me and we can motivate each other!