Children and low fat question

I am starting to cook healthier for my family but I have a 14 month old and wondering your opinion. I want to use lower fat products but know that he needs the extra fat.... do you make a seperate meal for your child with higher fat cheese, ect. or just give him what you are eating or something different altogether? Thank you!


  • Jess__I__Can
    Jess__I__Can Posts: 307 Member
    I make small substitutions, but I think all the fat from the whole milk is probably plenty.
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    My whole family eats the same thing, particularly for dinner. My fat macro is set pretty generously, so while I do buy a couple of things in reduced-fat versions (particularly the small amount of dairy I eat...I just prefer the taste, quite honestly), I think we overall get enough in our food even when we all eat exactly what I would make for myself if it was just me. However, the kids get whole milk and I happily butter their bread and veggies. I think it's enough.
  • ikkin32dvs
    ikkin32dvs Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks! Not super worried since I still breastfeed so I know he is getting a lot of what he needs from that.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    I don't eat reduced fat unless you count 2% stuff. Personally, I don't like the flavor of reduced fat and the calories are not enough of a difference for me to mess with. I have also found that I can eat LESS of the full fat stuff and still be as satisfied. Which means that by doing full or nearly full fat dairy and the like, I actually eat less calories.
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    That is great that you are breastfeeding!

    I give my little ones full fat stuff and sub the diet foods for myself. They need the fat for brain development.