Breakfast Quinoa for four days

47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
I found this recipe on FlipBoard on the net and altered it to not have nuts or strawberries (I have reflux and those are off my approved list), plus added protein powder. It makes four servings, which means you only prepare it once, so ths relatively short prep is only necessary once. I'm going to make it tomorrow morning.

I haven't worked out the various nutrition aspects of it, but that should be easy, I think. I'll probably mix the yogurt in rather than stick it on top.


1 cup quinoa, uncooked and rinsed

1 cup water

1 cup apricot nectar (or other nectar, no extra sugar added)

2 apples, cored, diced

1 banana, medium

1 scoop protein powder

2 cups plain yogurt (Greek, choose fat, no sugar added)

Feel free to play with the fruit mixtures: dried apricots, pears and kiwi as well.

1. Bring rinsed quinoa, water and nectar to a boil.
Reduce to a simmer and cover.
Let cook until all liquid is absorbed, about 10-15 minutes.

2. Remove from heat and let cool. Once quinoa is completely cool, mix in protein powder.
Toss with diced apples and banana.
Top with yogurt just before serving.
