another newbie!

Hey all! Just joined last nite. I have tried a couple of times in my life to lose weight, tho I'm not as serious as I am now :laugh: I have been going to the gym about 5 days a week for the past month and only just started losing weight. They say it does take a couple of weeks doing it that way so I hope it's true and things start kicking in for me!

Basically like most I'm sick of being overweight. I hate having aching joints and being tired all the time! So far I've been doing ok. Haven't had McDonald's for over a month now and I definitely don't miss it! :wink: I'm working out ok at the gym but my main issue I guess is having a proper meal plan each day set out. I actually find it hard to eat 5 times a day! I now have breakfast each day, which I usually skip, so that's a good start I think! My other major vice is soft drink. That's a hard habit to kick after 20+ years of drinking it. I'm drinking less of it now, and hoping in time I'll kick the habit altogether. It's so hard to drink water, but I'll try :drinker:

And to everyone that's on this site: you're all doing a great job :) Just the fact that we're all here together trying to acheive the same goal is awesome! Keep it up :heart:



  • lisarazz79
    welcome to mfp... I can relate about the soda..I was drinking about 8(8oz) cans of diet coke per day thinkin o its "diet" I am down to maybe 1 or 2 per WEEK!! I was scared into kicking it,all the facts about the "fake" sugar aka aspertaine... can cause seizures and digestive problems...I went through the withdrarwals it was bad headaches,crankiness and the feening... as w/most addicting substances...all has passed but you have to stay strong to get through it and know that all those bad side effects will go away soon!! good luck in your journey to healthy living add me if you would like!!
  • donella73
    Hi - I'm new too! I can totally relate to the soda thing - I used to drink up to 8 cans of Coke a day... horrid withdrawels, but it's so worth it. I used to hate water, but have found I actually like it now so long as it's icy cold. Still hate it at room temp. Try adding a squeeze of lemon too.

    Anyway - good luck!

  • jangirl666
    Thanks :) I totally understand about the water thing. I prefer to have it chilled as it just goes down easier for me. We have a display water cooler at work (we sell them) which I sneak a couple of drinks out of lol. At the gym the water is cold too, so that definitely makes it better. What I really should do is put a water bottle in the fridge and keep it in there, kicking out the cola! :laugh: