Back Pain...Advice?

Hi all,

Due do life changes, I'd been out of the game a year and a half and gained a significant amount of weight. I recently began trying to weight train again, starting slow and gradually getting into my normal routine. I'm not new at weight lifting; prior to the hiatus I consistently lifted 3x + a week for about 7 years.

Anyways, I reincorporated dead-lifts into my workout tonight. I started out on my first set, with low weight. I kept my back straight, head up, butt out and weight close to my body. The load did not feel heavy. On the 4th rep, I felt a pull on the right side of my lower back and immediately stopped. I now get pain on my right hand side which, depending how I turn it, either hurts a bit or quite a lot. It hurts when I bend and also when I get up after sitting for a few minutes. The pain goes away once I settle into a certain position, but when I move back into it, I feel it again.

Does anyone know what this is? Does it sound like a pulled muscle? I've never had something like this with my back, so I'm concerned that it may be a symptom of a back problem. I will definitely go to a Dr., but I'm curious if anyone's had a similar experience.



  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    it sounds like a muscle strain which you might need some physiotherapy. But if you start having symptoms such as pain radiating down your leg (right or left) or numbness and tingling in your toes, it could be indicative of a herniated disc or a pinched nerve
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    It does sound like a pinch nerve, but then again, you'll know more when you see your Dr.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    I would go see a doctor JUST to be sure because I had something similar happen to me and discovered I had RUPTURED 3 of the discs in my back. They are like that for the rest of my life and cause severe pain. I'm pretty sure if you ruptured them you'd know it (I was throwing up and couldn't stand up straight for months) but you could have pinched one. Pinched discs can rupture if you don't get it worked out. PLEASE go see a doctor. Best case scenario is a pulled muscle and you have to take tylonnel for a week.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I second the pinched nerve, as someone who has had multiple surgeries to fix a messed up back I'll just say this, if you start feeling any pain or numbness radiating down your extremities get to a doctor and have an MRI done immediately, DO NOT WAIT! Bulging discs become ruptured discs and that sucks. If the pain goes away after a few days of rest then it's nothing serious, if it's a herniated disc you'll know by the end of the week. I wouldn't worry too much, it's likely a pinched nerve or pulled muscle.
