Little voices! 2 year old god-daughter coach!

Hi everyone!

This first week has been a success but came with some hard moments.

One of the crazy things that help me, is thinking of my goddaughters (4 and 2 years old). I recorded the little one (2 years old) speaking to me, telling me to take care of myself, not to smoke, sleep enough hours, and finally that they love me so much. :smooched:

With that video, I took just her voice and made a maxmix with a typical song for fitness exercise, and I use it for every moment of weakness.I put it in another instrumental one to go to sleep, it's amazing how it works.

I guarantee that if you are listening to something like this, you work out happier, and IT'S LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO SHOP CRAP, I put it to the test and I only bought healthy things. Passed by the pizza displays listening to her sweet little voice: "take care" and went straight to the tomatoes and fruit.:bigsmile:

So, If anyone has a phone, record your kid, couple, etc. It'll help. If you know something about computers, make a song with it.
Anybody with a mac can do it. I'll help if you want.

Another crazy idea for crazy moments. Whatever helps is good.

Hugs to everybody!



  • hairy_bob
    I like it...sounds like a great motivational idea!
  • xojox
    xojox Posts: 187 Member
    great idea!!! i did something similar a few yrs ago, i recorded my middle son singing 'wake up mammy' on my phone and used it as an alarm lol x